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The University of 91全能版

Research Support Fund: Accountability and Public Acknowledgement 2021 - 2022

While individual research awards typically cover the direct costs of research, including certain salaries, equipment, and supplies directly contributing to a project, research institutions must bear the increasing costs of supporting their overall research activity with appropriate facilities, research resources, researcher salaries, management and administrative personnel, oversight of regulatory compliance and accreditation, and intellectual property management. 

The Research Support Fund assists Canadian postsecondary institutions with the expenses associated with managing the research funded by the three federal research granting agencies; the , the  and the .


The Research Support Fund grant is critical to the success of the University’s research undertakings. Major areas of past and present investment include:

Research Software Solutions: Web-based software for data collection and management, teambuilding and collaborations has become indispensable to research and its importance has never been more pronounced than during the COVID-19 pandemic. By licensing and managing these tools centrally with the help of the Research Support Fund, the University of 91全能版 is building cutting edge and resilient research programs, while ensuring data security.

Vivarium: The University of 91全能版 Vivarium is a 7500 square foot facility housing traditional model organisms and wildlife for research. The complex includes living spaces, a surgery suite and biocontainment zone adapted to studies of behavior, physiology and infectious disease. The Vivarium’s residents are monitored daily by two animal care technicians who also support research initiatives ranging from nutritional studies to aquatic ecology and physiology, evolutionary biology and endangered species conservation.

Library: The Library has focused on sustaining resources responsibly through assessment and increased dialogue with faculty about their needs in the short and long term. The Library continues to work toward sustainable access to resources through supporting Open Access practices and investing in Open Access infrastructure, including Erudit/ Coalition Publi.ca, Scoap3 and our Institutional Repository, WinnSpace. These investments benefit the UW community by promoting trustworthy and respected open access resources to our faculty and students, and supporting the infrastructure that sustains them.

Financial Services Upgrades: The University continues to offer on-line and personal training for users of the recently installed financial system, Microsoft Dynamics NAV and new reporting software, Prophix. Award functionality includes multi-year reporting with enhanced non-financial information attached. Through Webclient, researchers have instant access to their award balances and reporting tools designed to improve analytical abilities. Continual upgrades are resulting in faster, more accurate, and more efficient services for researchers and research administration staff. Research accounting personnel are thus able to handle the increasing volume of research grants awarded with enhanced ability for financial analysis and reporting. Recently the Research Accounting office created a research accounting website with links to resources such as Webclient training videos, research related forms and policies, etc.

Research Support: The Research Office aims to add additional human resources to increase the University’s capacity to fulfill its 5-year Integrated Academic & Research Plan (IARP), which was developed in consultation with members of the University community. As the University’s research funding in the past decade has nearly tripled, the University of 91全能版’s goal is to strengthen our capacity to provide relevant research support to faculty members. The Research Office continually seeks ways in which it can better support researchers while maintaining its capacity to develop and administer increasing numbers of successful grant and ethics applications.


Expenditure Categories

Dollar Amount

2021-22 Investment


Research Facilities 22%
Renovation & maintenance of research facilities, upgrades and maintenance of research equipment and other devices, operating costs, and technical support for labs, offices and other facilities.


Research Resources 35%
Acquisition of library holdings, improved information resources, library operating costs and administration, and insurance on research equipment and vehicles.


Management and administration of the
institution's research enterprise 32.5%
Support for the completion of grant applications/research proposals, acquisition, maintenance and/or upgrade of information systems to track grant applications, certificates and awards, training of faculty and research personnel, human resources and payroll, financial and audit costs, research planning and promotion, and public relations


Regulatory Requirements & Accreditation 8%
Creation and support of regulatory bodies, relevant training of faculty and other research personnel, international accreditation costs, upgrades and maintenance of research facilities to meet regulatory requirements, technical support for animal care and handling of hazardous substances, and the purchase of animals exclusively for training purposes (not research).


Intellectual Property 2.5%
Creation, expansion or sustenance of a technology transfer office or similar function, administration of invention patent applications, support for technology licensing, administration of agreements and partnerships with industry, development of incubators, support for the creation of spin-off companies, certain public outreach activities, and marketing of teaching materials, scientific photo libraries, data sets, and other tools for knowledge transfer.Intellectual Property.





Outcomes Reports:

2020-2021 [PDF]

2019-2020 [PDF]

2018-2019 [PDF]

2017-2018 [PDF]

2016-2017 [PDF]

2015-2016 [PDF]

2014-2015 [PDF]

2013-2014 [PDF]

Accountability and Public Acknowledgement:







Objectives for 2021-2022 RSF Grant

For more information about the program please visit the