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Section 7: Student Appeals

Student Appeals

The regulations, procedures, forms and deadlines which govern all Master’s Programs at the University of Manitoba shall govern all Joint Master’s Programs as outlined in the Academic Guide at the University of Manitoba and the governing documents of the Joint Senate Committee.

All student discipline and appeal regulations can be found in the Graduate Calendar found on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website here:

Graduate Studies Academic Calendar | Graduate Academic Calendar | The University of 91全能版 (uwinnipeg.ca)

Student Appeals
Students have a right of appeal. All appeals must be in writing. Decisions are made by the appropriate body and are based on the information and supporting documentation provided in writing by the student. All students wishing to appeal must consult their Graduate Program Advisor to discuss their situation, for information on appeal procedures, and to obtain the appropriate appeal form as required.

The Graduate Studies calendar outlines the procedures established to deal with the types of appeals listed below:

  • Admission
  • Credit and Audit Status in Courses
  • Deferred Exams and Incomplete Term Work
  • Re-admission to a Graduate Program
  • Voluntary Withdrawal
  • Involuntary Withdrawal
  • Waiver of Graduation Requirements
  • Further Appeal
  • Grade Appeals

Fee Appeals
See Section 4 of this document for information on tuition fee refunds. Any appeals to graduate fees should be submitted to the Dean of Graduate Studies on the Student Fee Appeal Form.

Student Discipline

Academic Misconduct
(Plagiarism; Cheating; Improper Research/Academic Practices; Impersonation; Falsification or Unauthorized Modification of an Academic Record; Aiding and Abetting Academic Misconduct)
In order to promote academic integrity, fairness and an atmosphere of collegiality at the University, this policy, as outlined in the Graduate Studies calendar sets out the principles and procedures governing academic misconduct committed by students. The intent of this policy is to ensure that students do not commit acts of academic misconduct.

Non-Academic Misconduct
In order to accomplish its stated mission, the University must be a community in which there is freedom to learn, to teach, to create and to engage in research without fear of retaliation or intimidation and without threat to person or property. Students have a responsibility to act in a fair and reasonable manner in their interactions with their peers, faculty, staff and administration and in their use of campus property. The intent of this policy, as outlined in the Graduate Studies calendar is to encourage appropriate student conduct and to identify and regulate student non-academic misconduct which infringes on the above-mentioned freedoms and thereby jeopardizes the essential values of our academic community: mutual respect, dignity and civility.

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