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Section 8: Graduation


For information on minimum academic standing and performance requirements for graduation– see Section 6.

Convocation ceremonies are held twice yearly, in the Spring and in the Fall. Information about graduation may be obtained from the Convocation/Academic Program Officer in the Student Records Office. Students must apply for graduation by mid-February for Spring Convocation and by mid- August for Fall Convocation.

To be eligible for Spring Convocation, all degree requirements, including submission of the final copy of the thesis to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, must be completed prior to April 30 of the same year. To be eligible for Fall Convocation, all degree requirements, including submission of the final copy of the thesis to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, must be completed prior to August 31 of the same year.

Application to Graduate

Prospective graduands are advised to consult the Graduate Program Committee Chair (GPCC) to have their program of studies reviewed prior to filing their application for graduation. The list of all prospective graduands will be submitted to the Graduate Studies Admission and Student Tracking Officer for audit and approval. The approved list of recommended graduands will then be submitted to the Convocation Officer.

Further details regarding the convocation ceremony will be forwarded by the Student Records Office to graduands who have been approved by the Senate of the University.

Academic Dress

The correct dress for graduates of the University is described below.


  • A mortarboard of black material with a black tassel
  • A gown of black material and the appropriate shape specified by the North American Intercollegiate Code
  • A hood of the colour and shape specified by the North American Intercollegiate Code
Honorary Doctors:
  • A round brimmed cap of red velveta gown of red material and of the appropriate shape specified by the North American Intercollegiate Code
  • A hood of the full Cambridge shape in white material, lined in the University colours showing a white chevron on a red field

Note: A fee is charged for academic dress rental.

Degrees in Absentia
Graduands may be excused from attending Convocation by the Registrar for reason of illness, family bereavement, personal affairs, or other sufficient reason. Students who have not been excused, and who do not attend, must pay a fee before the parchment will be released.

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