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The University of 91全能版

Section 3: Faculty Description in Graduate Studies at The University of 91全能版


These guidelines describing the role of faculty members in Graduate Studies are intended to allow our students and faculty to have the best possible quality of graduate experience. They are not intended to replace existing practices in joint programs already governed by inter-institutional agreements nor are they intended to supersede other University policies and procedures. Rather, they are intended to work in complementary fashion with such agreements, policies, and procedures. Exceptions to these guidelines may only be authorized through the agreement of the Dean of Graduate Studies and the appropriate Faculty Dean or Program Director following consultations with the appropriate Graduate Program Committee. Such exceptions must be consistent with other University policies, procedures, and agreements.

Graduate Faculty

All members of the University of 91全能版 faculty holding tenured or tenure-track appointments are deemed by virtue of their faculty appointments to be members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies. As such, they are eligible to teach graduate courses, to serve as members of Graduate Program Committees, and to serve as Graduate Program Advisors and Graduate Thesis Supervisors with the approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies and the Dean of the appropriate Faculty where the faculty member’s workload is assigned each year.

Faculty members holding appointments with terms of one year or longer may also teach graduate courses and/or serve in the roles of Graduate Thesis Supervisor and/or Graduate Practicum Supervisor with the approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies and the Dean of the appropriate Faculty where the member’s workload is approved each year. In programs where the normal time to completion of a student is longer than the member’s appointment, however, such a role will not normally be considered in the best interest of the student and, therefore, not approved. Faculty members with limited term appointments may not serve in the role of a Graduate Program Advisor.

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Faculty shall normally be individuals from agencies or institutions or other organizations external to The University of 91全能版 or former University of 91全能版 faculty members who have been appointed as Adjunct Faculty through the approved administrative procedures for doing so at the University of 91全能版. Adjunct Faculty may, where their expertise and experience warrant, be recommended for adjunct appointment by a Department with provision for inclusion in the University’s graduate faculty for the duration of the adjunct appointment. Adjunct Faculty may not serve in the role of Graduate Program Advisor. Adjunct Faculty with appropriate expertise in an area related to a graduate student’s area of research may serve, upon request of the Graduate Program Advisor, as a Graduate Thesis Supervisor or Graduate Practicum Supervisor or as a member of a student’s supervisory committee. Adjunct Faculty may also teach graduate courses as members of the Contract Academic Staff of the University of 91全能版, provided that they have been appointed through the approved appointment procedures for Contract Academic Staff.

Graduate Faculty Roles

Graduate Program Advisor

Every graduate student must have an advisor who is a faculty member at the University of 91全能版. A Graduate Program Advisor is the primary contact and the person responsible for serving as a guide or mentor for one or more graduate students and addresses with them the practical issues of completing graduate studies at the University of 91全能版. A Graduate Program Advisor may, and often will, serve also as a student’s Graduate Thesis Supervisor. Graduate Program Advisors facilitate the intellectual growth of students, help them design a suitable program, promote their professional development, assist students in identifying a Graduate Thesis Supervisor (when the Graduate Program Advisor does not serve in the role of Graduate Thesis Supervisor), and work with students in forming a suitable thesis examining committee. A Graduate Program Advisor shall attend all supervisory committee meetings as well as student thesis, clinical or technical practicum examinations in accordance with The University of 91全能版 Graduate Studies policies and guidelines.

Graduate Program Advisors shall adhere carefully to Departmental and University program requirements for students to meet deadlines for graduate course completion, thesis proposal submission, comprehensive exam dates, thesis completion, resolution of student performance problems or conflicts, and student graduation. The Graduate Program Advisor shall ensure that students are aware of all general regulations, policies and guidelines, program requirements, and degree regulations of the graduate department and the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The Graduate Program Advisor shall complete the Graduate Studies Annual Progress Report in a timely way for each student they advise with input from the Graduate Thesis Supervisor as applicable.

Graduate Thesis Supervisor

A Thesis Supervisor shall directly oversee the student's thesis research. Where appropriate, a student may have co-Supervisors. The Graduate Thesis Supervisor may also be a student’s Graduate Program Advisor, if they meet the requirements for doing so as specified in this policy. The Graduate Thesis Supervisor shares responsibilities with the Graduate Program Advisor for thesis or practicum progress. The Graduate Thesis Supervisor is expected to provide to the student a high level of knowledge or expertise in the student’s area of research, clinical, technical, or creative work.

The Graduate Student Supervisor shall:

  1. Be directly responsible for supervising and providing guidance on all aspects of a student’s thesis, practicum, or research program;
  2. Stay informed of the student’s progress and prepare an annual report summarizing progress in research, clinical, or technical activities;
  3. Ensure that scientific research is conducted in a way that is effective and safe;
  4. Review and evaluate student theses and major research papers in draft and final form; and
  5. In accordance with the University of 91全能版 Graduate Studies policies and guidelines, attend all supervisory committee meetings as well as student thesis, clinical or technical practicum examinations.

Graduate Practicum Supervisor

In the case of programs requiring clinical, technical, or creative oversight, a Graduate Practicum Supervisor with suitable professional qualifications or experience shall oversee the student’s clinical, technical, or creative work. Such a role is analogous to the role played by a Graduate Thesis Supervisor as defined in this policy. The Graduate Practicum Supervisor may also act in the role of Graduate Program Advisor, if they the requirements for doing so as specified in this policy.

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