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The University of 91全能版

Section 2: Committee Structure

Senate Graduate Studies Committee* (GSC)

Responsibility: The Graduate Studies Committee shall be responsible for:

  1. Reviewing and recommending to Senate on all matters pertaining to graduate studies, including joint programs;
  2. Developing, interpreting, and addressing appeals to Graduate Studies Policies and Procedures;
  3. Developing criteria for the proposal of new graduate programs;
  4. Receiving and reviewing graduate program proposals and revisions from departments and programs for recommendation to the Academic Planning Committee;
  5. Reviewing all new or proposed changes to graduate curriculum for Senate Approval and liaising with, and advising the Senate Curriculum Committee of all such changes;
  6. Undertaking a periodic review of all existing graduate programs; and
  7. Sharing information across graduate

The duties and responsibilities of the GSC are taken up through meetings of the whole and of sub- committees. Such sub-committees include, but not limited to, review of external examiners; curriculum review; requests for extensions of degree time limits and leaves of absence; and policy review.


  • Dean of Graduate Studies (Chair)
  • one faculty member from each graduate program including joint graduate programs , normally the GPC Chair or designate
  • three faculty members from departments not currently offering graduate programs
  • one graduate student appointed by the UWSA

Terms of Office

  • Faculty members shall serve on the committee for two-year terms
  • The graduate student member shall serve for a one-year term

Graduate Student Scholarship and Awards Committee (GSSAC)

Responsibility: The Graduate Student Scholarship and Awards Committee shall evaluate applications and make recommendations for the distribution for all graduate awards managed by the Faculty Graduate Studies, including but not limited to:

  • Graduate scholarships offered by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
  • Research Manitoba Scholarships
  • The President’s Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship award (PDGSS)
  • The University of 91全能版 Graduate Studies Scholarship (UWGSS)
  • Graduate Student Travel Grants

Composition: (8 members):

  • The Dean of Graduate Studies (Ex Officio)
  • 3 faculty members eligible to apply for NSERC grants and awards
  • 3 faculty members eligible to apply for SSHRC grants and awards
  • 1 member appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies AND
  • The Graduate Studies Officer (non-voting administrative support)

All GSSAC faculty members:

  • Must be tenured, tenure-track, or lifetime emeritus professors at the University of 91全能版.
  • Must have the authority to supervise or co-supervise the research of students registered in an undergraduate or graduate degree program, or postdoctoral fellows engaged in research that is not under the direction of another individual (e.g., thesis supervision).
  • Must not currently or previously have been barred from applying to NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR, or any other research funding organization, for reasons of breach of standards of integrity or ethics, including scientific or financial misconduct.

Terms of office: Members are elected for two-year terms, with half of the committee membership turning over each year.

Nomination process: The Dean of Graduate Studies shall make a request to all Deans (Arts, Science, Education, Business and Economics) to identify their representatives.

Graduate Program Committee* (GPC)

Responsibility: The Graduate Program Committee is responsible for:

  1. Curricular development and implementation;
  2. Overseeing program delivery;
  3. Making recommendations for admission of students to the Faculty of Graduate Studies;
  4. Overseeing the supervision of all graduate students enrolled in their program and monitoring their progress;
  5. Monitoring examinations and theses;
  6. Overseeing the preparation of self-study reports for program review;
  7. Other duties as assigned by the Dean of Graduate Studies or the Department Chair.

Where possible, the GPC shall use the existing procedures and committees of the department in its work, with the final approval of all matters concerning the development and delivery of graduate studies in a unit resting with the GPC. The GPC, through its Chair, reports to the Dean of Graduate Studies on all matters related directly to graduate studies. The GPC, through its Chair, reports to the Chair of the Department on matters that concern the Department.

Nomination process: The membership of each Graduate Program Committee shall be determined in accordance with the regulations of each department and the Graduate Program Committee. There shall be no less than 3 persons appointed to each Graduate Program Committee.

*The composition of the “Graduate Program Committee” may also include a Chair, a Dean, a Director, or any other individuals officially recognized by the Dean of Graduate Studies to be responsible for graduate programs. The term does not refer to Chairs, Associate Chairs, or Committees of the Joint Master’s Programs.

Joint Discipline Committee (JDC)

The Joint Discipline Committee of each Joint Master’s Program shall take on duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Governing Documents of the Joint Master’s Programs. The Joint Discipline Committee shall have reporting responsibility as outlined in the Governing Documents of the Joint Master’s Programs which includes being under the joint jurisdiction of both universities and the responsibility to work in cooperation with hosting departments at both universities, the Joint Senate Committee, the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba, and the Dean of Graduate Studies at The University of 91全能版.

Nomination process: The appointment or election of members of the Joint Discipline Committee shall be determined in accordance with Joint Master’s Program Governing Documents.

Joint Senate Committee for Joint Master's Programs (JSC-JMP)

The Joint Senate Committee for Joint Master’s Programs shall take on duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Joint Master’s Program Governing Documents. The Joint Senate Committee shall continue to work in cooperation with the Dean of Graduate Studies and Senates at both The University of 91全能版 and the University of Manitoba, while maintaining its jurisdiction over the tasks outlined in the Joint Master’s Program Governing Documents.

Graduate Studies Faculty Council

The Graduate Studies Faculty Council is chaired by the Dean of Graduate Studies and the Dean shall convene, two meetings of the council in each academic year.

The Faculty Council is composed of:

  • Dean
  • All members of the Faculty of Graduate Studies
  • Others as may be authorized by the Council

Role of the Faculty Council (as per the Senate Standing Rules):

Each Faculty Council shall advise and recommend to the Council Chair, matters:

  • Involving the regulation and conduct of its meetings and proceedings;
  • Involving the establishment of committees deemed important to the faculty/division;
  • Of an academic or non-academic nature raised by its faculty/division

At its inaugural meeting in February 2014, the Graduate Studies Faculty Council agreed that the focus of these meetings should be to share information between the Faculty of Graduate Studies and faculty members, and among the programs, and to grow the culture of Graduate Studies at The University of 91全能版.

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