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The University of 91全能版

Section 4: Admission to Graduate Studies

Admission Process

The University welcomes applications from Canadian and International students. All students must apply for and be granted admission to The University of 91全能版 Faculty of Graduate Studies. Acceptance is required before students may register in courses. Admission to graduate programs is competitive and meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

Note: Joint Master Programs have Admissions protocols and procedures which are compatible with, but not identical to, the policies and procedures which follow. More information on admissions procedures for these programs may be found at this link:

Joint Master's Program Frequently Asked Questions | Graduate Studies | The University of 91全能版 (uwinnipeg.ca)

Students seeking admission to Graduate Studies at The University of 91全能版 shall submit an official application through the on-line application system on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website together with the application fee and all supporting documentation, or, alternatively, in hard copy to the Graduate Studies Admission and Student Tracking Officer. When the application files are complete, they are forwarded to the appropriate Graduate Program Committee (GPC) for review and evaluation. The Graduate Program Committees shall forward their recommendations to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Official letters of acceptance or rejection are issued to the applicants by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies has sole authority to admit students, and all offers of admission are made by the Dean of Graduate Studies. Correspondence with a faculty member, department, or school does not constitute approval for admission. All offers of admission are valid only for the terms of entry indicated in the offer.

Admission Requirements

Minimum Entry: Applicants should have an Honours, 4-Year, or equivalent baccalaureate degree from a recognized post-secondary institution and an overall GPA of 3.0/4.5 (B) in order to be considered for admission to Graduate Studies.

Prospective students are advised to consult the websites and printed material distributed by the program to which they wish to apply to ensure that they are aware of current information about procedures, requirements, and curriculum.

In some programs, students may be considered for admission to the graduate program upon successful completion of a University of 91全能版-designed Qualifying Year. See the definition of Qualifying Year Status below. Please consult with specific programs for further information.

Application Process

Students are encouraged to submit their application for admission as early as possible. Students generally begin their program of study in September. In some programs, students may also begin in January or in May. There are limitations on the number of students that can be accommodated in any program.

The online Application for Admission to Graduate Studies form and checklist are available from the University’s website:

Online Application | Graduate Studies | The University of 91全能版 (uwinnipeg.ca)

For applicants applying to more than one program, each application requires a separate application, fee, and supporting documents. All relevant information (including all reference to previous post-secondary education), supporting documentation, and the non-refundable application fee must be submitted with the application. Students are advised to complete the application form with reference to the Fact Sheet of the program to which they are applying, as each program has some admission requirements specific to it.

Applicants will be notified as soon as possible after the due date for applications has passed if they have not met the admission requirements. Consideration may be given to late applications received after the published application due dates. The decision to evaluate a late application is at the discretion of the appropriate Graduate Program Committee Chair.

Application Fee

Each time an applicant applies to the University for admission or readmission, an application fee is required. This fee, non-refundable and not applicable to tuition fees, must accompany the application for admission form.

The University of 91全能版 application fees for Canadian citizens and permanent residents, and for International students are subject to change. Please consult the Graduate Studies website for current applicable fees:

Fee Overview | Graduate Studies | The University of 91全能版 (uwinnipeg.ca)

Document Requirements for All Applicants

All documents submitted or uploaded in support of an application must be official documents. Replaceable documents submitted with an application become the property of the University and will not be returned. Irreplaceable, hard-copy documents (i.e., documents that cannot be replaced if lost or damaged) will be returned to the applicant if this is requested in writing at the time of the application. The following supporting official documents must be submitted before any application will be considered:

Proof of English Language Proficiency

The language of instruction at The University of 91全能版 is English. Students must have a level of ability in English that allows them to participate in all aspects of university study, including lectures, reading, writing, and discussion. Students will not be admitted until this requirement has been met.

If English is not the student's first or primary language and they are not from an English Exempt Country, they must provide supporting documentation to demonstrate that they are proficient in the use of the English language, by successfully completing one of the following English Language Assessment tests: TOEFL, IELTS, MELAB, CAEL or Level 5 of the 14-week University of 91全能版 Academic English Program. The test must have been taken within two years of the date a completed application is filed and official test scores must be forwarded directly to the Graduate Studies Admission and Student Tracking Officer from the testing agency. Photocopies of test scores are not acceptable. Please consult individual programs for information on the level of scores required for application. On occasion, a waiver may be granted if there is evidence of ten consecutive years of residency in Canada that may include years of study in Canada or four or more years of education in a recognized post-secondary institution in which the language of instruction is English. (Requests for a waiver must be submitted at the time of application and will be considered on an individual, case-by-case basis by the GPC.) Appropriate services to assist students in improving their English-language capabilities can be arranged through the English Language Program (http://www.uwinnipeg.ca/elp/).

A list of English Exempt Countries may be found here:

English Language Requirements | Future Student | The University of 91全能版 (uwinnipeg.ca)

Plan of Study/Statement of Interest/Letter of Intent/Research Proposal

All programs require a supplementary narrative statement. Please consult with the program fact sheet for program-specific requirements. Students are invited to describe how their proposed course of study relate to their future plans.

Curriculum Vitae and/or Other Achievements

Applicants are invited to submit a curriculum vitae and/or statement of Other Achievements which demonstrates accomplishments and experience beyond those recorded in academic transcripts. This document may include information about an exceptional commitment to a particular field of study, relevant employment history, extra-curricular activities, demonstrated ability to overcome adversity, or social, political or charitable interests. Please consult the fact sheet of the program to which you are applying.

Proof of Citizenship

The citizenship status of the applicant in Canada must be listed on the application form. Applicants who are Permanent Residents of Canada must include or attach a copy of their documentation. International applicants will need to secure a Study Permit that must be submitted to the Registrar at the time of registration.

Graduate Student Registration and Orientation Guide | Graduate Studies | The University of 91全能版 (uwinnipeg.ca)

Confidential Letters of Recommendation & Reference Forms

Applicants must supply a minimum of two (2) letters of recommendation and reference forms from individuals who have taught or supervised them in an area relevant to their application. Letters of recommendation and reference forms may be submitted via the on-line application system or sent directly to the Graduate Studies Admission and Student Tracking Officer in a sealed envelope with the referee’s signature across the seal. These documents must be submitted by the referee directly on official letterhead or from their institutional email account; references received through students will not be accepted.

Letters of recommendation are collected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and the Universities Act. They are required to evaluate applicants for admission to a graduate program, and for scholarship and other funding purposes. Letters of recommendation are treated as confidential and will be used only by individuals and committees who evaluate applicants.

Transcripts of Post-Secondary Education

Applicants must arrange to have one (1) official transcript sent directly to The University of 91全能版 from each of the post-secondary institutions they have attended. If a final transcript does not show that a completed degree has been conferred, an official/notarized copy of the diploma is also required. These documents must arrive in sealed, endorsed envelopes issued by the home institution(s) in order to be considered official. Transcripts in languages other than English and French should include a certified English (literal) translation submitted in a sealed envelope with the official stamp and signature of the translator or notary across the seal.

Falsified Documents

Applicants to The University of 91全能版’s Graduate Studies programs confirm that all statements made and all documentation submitted in support of their applications are authentic, true, complete, and valid either by submitting the on-line application form, or by signing the paper application form. Unsigned application forms are invalid, and will be returned to the applicant by the Graduate Studies Admission and Student Tracking Officer for a signature.

Misrepresentation, falsification of documents, or the withholding of requested information with respect to the application, may result in the cancellation of a student’s acceptance and registration or dismissal from the University.

The Graduate Studies Admission and Student Tracking Officer may return transcripts, degree certificates, and reference letters to the original issuer for verification. The Dean of Graduate Studies may rescind a letter of admission or require that a student withdraw if it is determined that the student has submitted falsified documents in support of their application for admission. Applicants who have submitted falsified records to The University of 91全能版 or to another university will not be considered for admission at any time in the future. The University of 91全能版 shares the names of applicants who submit falsified documentation with the Association of Registrars of the Universities and Colleges of Canada (ARUCC), and Canada Immigration (the latter in the event the student requires/required a Study Permit to enter Canada).

Retention of Documents

Documents submitted by students who are accepted to Graduate Studies but who do not register, as well as the documents supplied to support their application for admission, will be retained for one year from the date of acceptance. After this time period, the application form, transcripts and other materials related to the application will be destroyed. Irreplaceable documents (i.e., documents that cannot be replaced if lost or damaged) will be returned to the applicant if this is requested in writing at the time of application.

Application Due Dates

The application and all required documentation must be received by the Graduate Studies Admission and Student Tracking Officer by the following dates* in order for the student to be considered for program funding. Consideration of applications received after the posted due dates shall be at the discretion of the appropriate Graduate Program Committee Chair.

Application Due: December 1
Date Starting Term (Month): Spring/Summer (May)

Application Due: February 1
Date Starting Term (Month): Fall (September)

Application Due: September 1
Date Starting Term (Month): Winter (January)

*Most programs use these dates; however, it is best to consult with specific programs to confirm application due dates.

The Graduate Studies Office will not send letters of admission after these dates:

Fall term: June 1 (international students), July 15 (domestic students)
Winter term: Oct 1 (international students), Nov 15 (domestic students)

Acceptance to Graduate Studies

Graduate Student

A graduate student is a student accepted into a University of 91全能版 graduate program, or accepted as a visiting student in a graduate course(s) at the University of 91全能版. Graduate students are expected to read all relevant documents and the Graduate Studies Calendar in order to become familiar with all regulations and deadlines relating to their programs and the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Graduate students are responsible for their progress through their programs and must ensure that they submit appropriate forms to their graduate program, relevant university administrative unit, and the Faculty of Graduate Studies for signature and processing, that their registration is accurate and does not lapse, and that they pay all the fees required by the deadline dates.

Acceptance in time to register cannot be guaranteed to eligible applicants if the Application for Admission to Graduate Studies form and/or the required documents are received after the specified application due date. Official notification of acceptance is sent out as soon as possible after the application has been evaluated. Students must register for the term indicated as their starting term in the letter of acceptance. Students who wish to change the starting date for their program of study must notify and receive approval from the Faculty of Graduate Studies to do so. A student who seeks admission after being previously admitted and having withdrawn before classes begin must complete a new application.

Students studying at the time of their application may be conditionally accepted pending the receipt of their final transcripts.

Admission Categories
A student admitted to the University will receive one of the following student categories: Full-Time, Part-Time, Qualifying Year, Visiting, Exchange, and Visiting Graduate Fellow.
Full-Time Student

Full-time students are students who:

  1. Are pursuing their studies as a full-time occupation;
  2. Identify themselves as a full-time student; and
  3. Plan to complete the program within the designated number of terms permitted for full-time students and do not exceed these limits. In a one-year graduate program, students are permitted three (3) terms to complete all degree requirements, plus one (1) additional term if they are writing a thesis. In a two-year graduate program, students are permitted six (6) terms to complete all degree requirements, plus one (1) additional term if they are writing a thesis. In a three-year graduate program, students are permitted nine (9) terms to complete all degree requirements, plus one (1) additional term if they are writing a thesis.
Students who hold apprenticeship positions (e.g., Teaching Assistantships or Research Assistantships) will not be required by supervisors to work more than an average of 10 hours per week in any academic term.
Part-Time Student

Part-time students are students who:

  1. Do not meet the requirements for full-time status; and
  2. Plan to complete the program within the designated number of terms permitted for part-time students and do not exceed these limits. In a one-year graduate program, students are permitted six (6) terms to complete all degree requirements, plus one (1) additional term if they are writing a thesis. In a two-year graduate program, students are permitted twelve (12) terms to complete all degree requirements, plus one (1) additional term if they are writing a thesis. In a three-year graduate program, students are permitted eighteen (18) terms to complete all degree requirements, plus one (1) additional term if they are writing a thesis.

For more information, see Normal Patterns of Completion tables found in section VII under Graduate Degree Time Limits.

Conditional Admission

Conditional admission will be considered for academically qualified, degree-seeking students, who have not met the minimum ELP requirement for admission to a graduate program, but are otherwise qualified for admission to a graduate program. Conditional admission allows students to apply for a study permit and to begin their studies in the University’s English Language Program only. Concurrent registration in the English Language Program and a graduate program is not permissible.

Upon successful completion of the highest level of the certificate program (Academic Level 5), the student will proceed directly into the graduate degree program in the next intake for the graduate program to which they’ve been conditionally admitted.

To be considered for conditional English language proficiency admission, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have academic qualifications that satisfy the requirement of the graduate-level program to which they seek to be admitted;
  2. Have a score of at least 61 in TOEFL iBT with minimum scores of Reading 15, Listening 15, Writing 14, and for IELTS a minimum of 5.5 overall;
  3. Be recommended for conditional English language proficiency admission by the relevant Graduate Program Committee.
Continuing Student

Continuing students are students who do not complete their degree within the allotted number of terms appropriate to their full-time or part-time designation and who pay the corresponding fees for maintaining this status. All students must be continuously registered in order to retain their email accounts and access to the library and laboratories. Failure to maintain continuance status may result in a student being designated inactive or involuntarily withdrawn. See Section 6 for more information.

Qualifying Year

The Qualifying Year status is intended for students who hold a first degree but require additional (core or prerequisite) courses to meet the entry requirements of a particular graduate program. Qualifying Year status will be recommended by the appropriate Graduate Program Committee (GPC) and programs of study will be designed specifically for individual students.

Admission under the Qualifying Year status does not guarantee future admission to a graduate program. Upon successful completion of the Qualifying Year courses, students must apply for admission to Graduate Studies through the regular admission process. The application fee is waived for students re-applying after completion of a Qualifying Year. The Qualifying Year status is not available in every graduate program. Students are advised to direct questions about the availability of this status to the Graduate Program Committee Chair of the program to which they are seeking entry.

Occasional Students

Some graduate programs admit Occasional Students, i.e., those who are qualified to enroll in graduate courses but do not wish to seek a graduate degree. While this category includes alumni of Graduate Studies at The University of 91全能版, alumni applicants are asked to contact the Faculty of Graduate Studies for information on application procedures for the program in which they would like to take additional courses.

Students applying for admission to a graduate course must follow the regular administrative process for application to Graduate Studies. Graduate programs will determine the maximum number of credit hours in which an occasional student can register for credit or audit.

Visiting Students

Visiting students are students who are registered in a graduate degree program at another post-secondary institution in Canada or outside of Canada and who are taking courses at The University of 91全能版 for transfer credit back to their "home" institution.

Exchange Students

Exchange students are students coming to The University of 91全能版 from another university under the auspices of a specific collaboration agreement between the two universities. The period of the exchange depends on the terms of the agreement and on the availability of space in classes.

Visiting Graduate Fellow

Visiting graduate fellows are registered in graduate programs elsewhere in Canada or abroad, but who wish to work with one or more of faculty members at The University of 91全能版 for a period of a few months up to a year, during which time they would attend graduate courses and/or conduct research. Students who are applying to the Visiting Graduate Fellow program should be well advanced in their graduate programs and be ready to function independently in The University of 91全能版’s environment.

Visiting Graduate Fellows are expected to deliver a presentation on their research to the campus community at least once during the course of their tenure on campus. Students interested in this designation should contact the graduate program directly. Graduate programs wishing to designate someone as a Visiting Graduate Fellow should consult with the Faculty of Graduate Studies. The Visiting Graduate Fellow Checklist is attached in the Appendices.

Readmission to Graduate Studies

Reapplication to a graduate program after voluntary or involuntary withdrawal may not occur until one year after the student’s withdrawal date. When a student is re-admitted to a graduate program, they must adhere to the program requirements in force in the term in which they are re-admitted. Any previous courses and other academic work (such as thesis and practicum proposals) completed will be re-assessed upon application; normally courses taken five or more years previously will not be considered for credit toward completion of the program.

Readmittance into the program will be for no less than one academic year. Any new financial offers will be decided upon re-admission, and will be at the discretion of the Graduate Program Committee. Please see section 6 for further information on reapplication to Graduate Studies.

Student Number

A Student Number will be assigned to each student upon application to Graduate Studies. The student number is used on student files in the Admissions and Student Records Offices, on official documents, and on all statements of examination results issued by the University. The student number should be quoted in all contacts with University offices.

Identification (ID) Card

Every graduate student is eligible to receive an identification (ID) card upon registration.

ID cards are available from Student Central during the June-August registration period and throughout the academic year. Proof of registration or the fee receipt is the authorization needed to obtain an ID card. A fee will be charged to replace a lost card. Presentation of the ID card is necessary when conducting transactions in the Admissions and Student Records Offices.

Students may be required to show the ID card before taking exams. The ID card is necessary to check books out of the Library or to withdraw equipment from the Athletics Department.

Students who completely withdraw from all courses for the term must return the ID card to the Coordinator, Student Records (Graduate Studies). Students who register in the Spring term immediately subsequent to the Winter term may continue to use the ID card in that term.

Students registering for the Spring term who were not registered in the previous Winter term are required to obtain a new ID card. Students registering for the Spring term who were registered in the previous Fall/Winter term may reclaim their ID Card at the circulation desk in the Library.


Graduate students must initially register in the term specified in their letter of acceptance. Any student not registering within one term of acceptance will be required to re-apply for admission. Admission may be deferred, with approval from the Graduate Program Committee, prior to the commencement of term, for up to one year following acceptance. If approval has not been granted prior to the program start date, students may be required to re-apply to the program.

Approval of Student Status
All graduate students must have their student status approved by the Graduate Program Committee Chair prior to declaring “full time” or “part time” status on their registration form or on the Registration System.

Program of Study
All students must have their program of study approved by their Graduate Program Advisor prior to registering.

Change in Program of Study
Students wishing to make changes to their graduate program must first receive a recommendation to do so from their Graduate Program and Advisor and (if applicable) Supervisory committee; students must then seek written permission from the Graduate Program Committee Chair for final approval of the change(s). Course withdrawal forms may be found on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website here:

Forms for Students | Graduate Studies | The University of 91全能版 (uwinnipeg.ca)

Any student whose program of study extends over more than one year must re-register for each succeeding year of their program until a degree is obtained.

Tuition Fees*

Registration is not complete until the student has paid the prescribed fees or arrangements have been made with the Financial Services Office in writing prior to the fee payment deadline dates.

*Note: Fees are subject to change. Please refer to the Faculty of Graduate Studies website for current fees.

Tuition and Scholarship Payments

Graduate program tuition fees are charged to students at the beginning of each term, that is, in September, January, and May. If students have received an award or awards, these will be applied to their outstanding tuition balance. If an award creates a credit balance on a student’s account, a cheque for the balance will be issued to the student during the term (in October, February, and May).

Awards are processed in installments as follows:

  • If awards total $4,999.99 or less, they will be processed once at the beginning of the first term.
  • If awards total between $5,000 and $14,999.99, they will be processed in two installments: 50% in the first term and 50% in the following term. These will often be Fall and Winter terms, but other patterns may also occur.
  • If awards total $15,000 or more, they will be processed in three installments: 34% in the first term, 33% in second term and 33% in the final

More information on tuition fee payments can be found on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website:

Fee Overview | Graduate Studies | The University of 91全能版 (uwinnipeg.ca)

Accessibility Services

In collaboration with the students, faculty, and staff at The University of 91全能版, Accessibility Services (AS) and the Accessibility Resource Centre (ARC) facilitate and promote the ongoing development of an accessible learning environment which provides students with disabilities or medical conditions the opportunity to participate fully in all aspects of campus life.

For more information on Accessibility Services at The University of 91全能版, visit this link:

Home | Accessibility Services | The University of 91全能版 (uwinnipeg.ca)

Student Access to Personal Information and Files


If students require official transcripts of their academic record in an undergraduate or graduate program at The University of 91全能版, they must fill out the Transcript Request Form and submit it using one of the methods outlined below.

As a signature is required in order to release student records, there are only four ways to submit a transcript request form:

In person: Visit Student Central
Mail: Attention: Transcripts, Student Records Office
Fax: 786.8656
Scanned Email: Scan the written request and then email it to transcripts@uwinnipeg.ca

Student File Access
Students' access to their own information is governed by The Faculty of Graduate Studies and the Province of Manitoba Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Information regarding FIPPA is available from the University of 91全能版 Information and Privacy Office:

Home | Privacy | The University of 91全能版 (uwinnipeg.ca)

Students are entitled to inspect their own academic record (except for information such as personal information that is evaluative or opinion material compiled for purposes such as admission to an academic program or eligibility for awards (e.g. letters of reference) and to challenge contents which they believe to be inaccurate.

The file must be reviewed first by the office/individual with responsibility for the security and confidentiality of the file to determine if it contains any information that might not be appropriate to disclose (e.g., third-party personal information). It is expected that the student will view the file in the office with responsibility for security and confidentiality of the file and under the supervision of an employee of that office. No records may be removed from the file.

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