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The University of 91全能版

Section 1: Administrative Roles & Responsibilities

Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS)
The FGS is responsible for the general administration of graduate programs. Under the leadership of the Dean of Graduate Studies, the office is responsible for:
  1. Providing administrative support for the Graduate Studies Committee,Graduate Student Scholarship and Awards Committee, Joint Senate Committee for Joint Master’s Programs, any future committees developed under the jurisdiction of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and any other committees/task forces as assigned by the Dean of Graduate Studies;
  2. Assisting the Dean of Graduate Studies and Graduate Studies Committee in the initiation of new ventures;
  3. Assisting the Graduate Studies Committee in ensuring that the policies and procedures of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and The University of 91全能版 are followed;
  4. Overseeing application and admission processes for graduate programs;
  5. Monitoring student progress through programs;
  6. Advertising award opportunities to students and faculty and providing assistance with the application process, including, but not limited to, providing application mentorship sessions and workshops;
  7. Facilitate the development of new graduate programs;
  8. Administering program review and quality assurance processes;
  9. Other duties as assigned by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Graduate Studies Committee.
Dean of Graduate Studies

The Dean of Graduate Studies shall provide strategic leadership for the growth and development of graduate studies at The University of 91全能版. The Dean’s responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to:

  1. Establishing, revising, and developing strategic graduate program priorities;
  2. Representing the interests of graduate studies and those students, staff, faculty, and departments involved in graduate studies to the University;
  3. Working with Senior Administration on strategic planning and academic development of graduate studies;
  4. Working with other Deans within and outside of The University of 91全能版 to facilitate the smooth administrative functioning, growth, and academic integrity of graduate programming;
  5. Acting as the key public representative and advocate of graduate studies to the general public and the Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning Division;
  6. Setting graduate student recruitment goals and priorities;
  7. Developing student funding opportunities and priorities, and
  8. Chairing the Graduate Studies Committee
Faculty Dean (FD)

Faculty Dean (FD) (i.e the Disciplinary or Area Dean of a specific faculty, e.g. Arts, Science, Education) or Director of a unit offering a graduate program (e.g. the Principal of Global College) OR the FD of a Faculty in which members are participating in graduate studies:

The Faculty Dean or Director shall recognize and support departments, faculty members, staff, and students engaged in graduate studies and shall work in cooperation with the Dean of Graduate Studies on matters of mutual interest and concern. The Faculty Dean or Director’s responsibilities shall include but are not limited to:

  1. Specific program development and support;
  2. Faculty appointments, re-appointments, and assessment of faculty members’ work in graduate studies for the purposes of tenure and promotion;
  3. Assignment of teaching load;
  4. Salaries and assignments of Teaching Assistants; and
  5. Space allocation.
Graduate Program Committee Chair

The Graduate Program Committee Chair is the chief liaison with the Faculty of Graduate Studies and the official representative of each graduate program to its graduate students. The Graduate Program Committee Chair shall report to the Dean of Graduate Studies regarding all matters related directly to graduate programming. In matters that concern the department or unit offering a graduate program, the Graduate Program Committee Chair shall continue to report to the Chair or Director and follow the regular procedures and policies of the administrative unit. The Graduate Program Committee Chair shall:

  1. Provide leadership to the Graduate Program Committee;
  2. Be a member of the Graduate Studies Committee (or appoint a designate);
  3. Be familiar with, and ensure that the graduate program is operating according to the policies and procedures set out by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and its department’s supplementary regulations; and
  4. Attend, if requested, meetings of their faculty council (as per Senate Standing rules).

Membership: The Graduate Program Committee Chair must be a faculty member at The University of 91全能版. Membership is not open to persons holding term or adjunct appointments at The University of 91全能版. Persons may not act as Graduate Program Committee Chairs for matters in which they have a conflict of interest.

Nomination process: The appointment or election of each Graduate Program Committee Chair shall be determined in accordance with department or administrative unit regulations and the regulations of each Graduate Program Committee. The process being used should be filed for information with the Dean of Graduate Studies. The individual so named shall be recommended for appointment to the Faculty Dean and, subsequently, to the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Note: In instances where the nomination process described does not apply, as for example, in the Master’s in Development Practice or Marriage and Family Therapy programs, the position of “Graduate Program Committee Chair” may be held by a Department Chair, a Dean, a Director, or any other individual officially designated by the Dean of Graduate Studies to be responsible for graduate programs in that area. The term does not refer to Chairs, Co-Chairs, or Committees of the Joint Master Programs.

Joint Master鈥檚 Program* Chair or Associate Chair

The Joint Master’s Program Chair or Associate Chair, whichever is a University of 91全能版 faculty member, acts as the chief liaison with the Faculty of the Dean of Graduate Studies. The Joint Master’s Program Chair or Associate Chair shall take on duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Governing Documents of the Joint Master’s Programs. The Joint Master’s Program Chair or Associate Chair shall have reporting responsibility as outlined in the Governing Documents of the Joint Master’s Programs, which includes being under the joint jurisdiction of both universities and the responsibility to work in cooperation with the Joint Discipline Committee, the hosting departments at both universities, the Joint Senate Committee, the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba, and the Dean of Graduate Studies at The University of 91全能版. The Joint Master’s Program Chair or Associate Chair shall be a member of the Graduate Studies Committee (UW).

Nomination process: The appointment or election of each Joint Master’s Program Chair or Associate Chair shall be determined in accordance with Joint Master’s Program Governing Documents.

*Joint Master’s Programs between the University of 91全能版 and the University of Manitoba: MA in History, MA in Religion, Master of Public Administration, MA in Peace and Conflict Studies.

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