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The University of 91全能版

Fall 2022 Awards and Convocation Reception celebrates record number of graduates, award recipients

Tue. Oct. 18, 2022

The 2022 calendar year saw a record number of U91全能版 master's degree recipients and graduate student award winners.

On October 17, 2022 the Faculty of Graduate held its annual Awards and Convocation Reception in recognition of these students and their achievements.

2022 Graduates

2022-2023 Award Winners

2022 Graduates

Master of Arts in Applied EconomicsMaster of Arts in Criminal JusticeMaster of Arts in Cultural StudiesMaster of Arts in Indigenous GovernanceMaster of Arts in TheologyMaster of Science in Applied Computer Science and SocietyMaster of Science in Bioscience, Technology and Public PolicyMaster's in Development Practice: Indigenous DevelopmentMaster in Management: Technology, Innovation and OperationsMaster of Marriage and Family Therapy

Master of Arts in Applied Economics

Prashanta Kumar Deb
Vaishali Dhingra
Jude Obidiagha
Muhammad Rahman

Master of Arts in Criminal Justice

On behalf of the Department of Criminal Justice, I would like to extend our warmest congratulations to the 'dynamic duo' of Sam Hanson and Jen Weger on their M.A. degree completion. We are all so impressed by the work you've done these past few years and hope you're not feeling too lost with all your free time post-degree (ha ha)!
-Dr. Michelle Bertrand, Graduate Program Chair, MA in Criminal Justice

Samantha Hanson
Jennifer Weger

Master of Arts in Cultural Studies

My sincere congratulations to the convocating class from the MA program in Cultural Studies at The University of 91全能版. It has been a challenging year for all of you – a balancing act between often unpredictable personal, professional and educational obstructions created by pandemic world. You should be all be so proud to have overcome and succeeded, ready for the next stages of your respective careers. Congratulations!
-Dr. Bruno Cornellier, Graduate Program Chair, MA in Cultural Studies

Salam Al Sayed
Katryna Barske
Shaneela Boodoo
Grace Braniff
Kim Cao
Patricia Dyce
Audree Espada
Shalaka Jadhav
Amanda Laverdure
Sofia Martignoni
Amanda McLeod
Sabrina Sethi
Miklós Somorjai
Julia Wake

Master of Arts in Indigenous Governance

Congratulations to Charlene Moore, Maureen Twovoice, Tammy Wolfe, and Lisa Young for graduating with a MAIG degree in 2021-2022 and to all graduates! Well-done! I am reminded of the teachings that Anishinaabe Elder Wally Swain shares about the Gaashgichige Ogamik (Earning Lodge/Sundance Lodge). The concept of Gaashgichige is an important value in Anishinaabe thought and Indigenous thought and worldview in general; a value that permeates throughout ceremonial and everyday life. You have truly worked hard and earned the degree that you have obtained. You and your family have made sacrifices to get you where you are, and you have exemplified other important Indigenous cultural values like commitment and fortitude. I am so happy for you and your loved ones as you celebrate your accomplishment! Best of luck as you look to the future and more great things!
-Dr. Mark Ruml, Graduate Program Chair, MA in Indigenous Governance

Charlene Moore
Mallory Shack
Maureen Twovoice
Tammy Wolfe
Lisa Young

Master of Arts in Theology

Mary Elizabeth Piercy
Raymond Poon

Master of Science in Applied Computer Science and Society

Negin Ashrafi
Maryam Bafandkar
Habib Ben Abdallah
Seungho Choe
Oumaima Hamila
Serena Lim
Nadia Moazen Chaharsoughi
Thao Nguyen
Vrushang Patel
Mikhail Sokolov
Matthew Stubbs
Krunal Thummar
Dharitri Tripathy
Puwei Wang

Master of Science in Bioscience, Technology and Public Policy

Justis Henault
Abinash Meher
Jennifer Pawluk
Colleen Robertson
Matthew Russell
Emma Traynor

Master's in Development Practice: Indigenous Development

Andrea Dsouza
Emeka Ezeh
Tara Myran
Clement Ogunje
Janelle Poiron

Master in Management: Technology, Innovation and Operations

Congratulations to the graduating class of 2022 in the Master of Management: Technology and Innovation program. You have persevered through a challenging program in a time in which the pandemic altered our educational experiences, employment experiences, and broader lives. There is no better example of the importance of innovation! The ability to respond to unexpected and abrupt change through the creative application of best practices is critical to organizational success in an evolving world. These are the skills that you have honed over the past year(s), both through academic study and practical experience. This will serve you well as you move forward into careers as agents and managers of innovation and change. We take great pride in your achievements and cannot wait to see what you will do next!
-Dr. Michael Breward, Graduate Program Chair, Master in Management

Peace Caleb Onwah
Keylyn Filewich
Asitha Gajaweera
Yan Ting Hau
Mohamed Khalifa
Mahnoor Khan
Sagi Levi
Alain MacNair
Venkatesh Mahadevan
Garnet Masenda
Kerry McCormack
Rotimi Owoade
Rayna Singh
Elaine Rose Tamargo
Ekaba Tawo
Martin Trudeau

Master of Marriage and Family Therapy

Karla Andrich
Fathima Ashraff
Amanda Devigne
Kelly Ferguson
Robin Hannigan
Lisa Johnson
Cindy Lamoureux
Julie MacNeil
Linda Markham
Wendy McNab
Anissa Penner
Elizabeth Redfern
Natasha Ross
Sheralyn Schmidt
Abigail Sones
Alyx Tabas
Simon Thone
Natasha Torres-Garner
Jennifer Wherry

2022-2023 Award Winners

In 2022-2023 University of 91全能版 graduate students received over half a million dollars in funding through competitive award competitions.

Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's: NSERCCanada Graduate Scholarships - Master's: SSHRCResearch Manitoba Master's Studentship AwardsThe Senator Thomas Crerar ScholarshipThe Donald V. Snider Memorial FellowshipThe President's Scholarship for World LeadersThe University of 91全能版 Graduate Studies ScholarshipThe President's Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship

Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's: NSERC

Receiving this NSERC award is truly an honour and will provide me the financial stability to focus on my research this year. I’d like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Susan Lingle, for showing me the way to so many new opportunities and for pushing me to take full advantage of them. I would also like to thank my family for always supporting me through all of my adventures.
-Shayla Jackson, 2022-23 NSERC CGS-M award recipient

The Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's Awards (CGS-M awards) are administered jointly by Canada's three granting agencies: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

NSERC CGS-M awards provide special recognition and support to high-calibre students pursuing a master's degree in the natural sciences or engineering.

2022-2023 recipients

Daniel Applin (Environmental and Social Change)
Shayla Jackson (Bioscience, Technology and Public Policy)
Amy Thorkelson (Environmental and Social Change)

Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's: SSHRC

Receiving this award is such an honor and a privilege in allowing me to pursue a master’s degree. It has removed many barriers to working towards this degree and supports me in focusing my research on what I am most interested in and passionate about. This funding has allowed me to come full circle back to my community and on the Métis homelands to lift Métis voices and knowledges in the climate change discourse.
-Annie Martel, 2022-23 SSHRC CGS-M award recipient

The Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's Awards (CGS-M awards) are administered jointly by Canada's three granting agencies: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

SSHRC CGS-M awards provide special recognition and support to high-calibre students pursuing a master's degree in the social sciences and humanties.

2022-2023 recipients

Janae Dandewich (Criminal Justice)
Elise Diplock (Criminal Justice)
Bilguundari Enkhtugs (Criminal Justice)
Patrick Harney (Environmental and Social Change)
Myla Held (Criminal Justice)
Danielle Hermann (Criminal Justice)
Kyle Lowen (Criminal Justice)
Annie Martel (Environmental and Social Change)
Kirstin Witwicki (Environmental and Social Change)

Research Manitoba Master's Studentship Awards

I am thrilled and honoured to be the recipient of the 2022 Research Manitoba Master's Studentship Award. Under the collaboration of Dr. Shrivastav and Dr. Willis, my research focuses on studying variation in gene expressions that lead to metabolic changes in infected little brown bats making it hard for them to fight the deadly White-Nose Syndrome. Understanding these connections will help identify molecular indicators that can predict the impact of the disease and potential survival of the bats. Through the research supported by this award, I hope to bring Manitobans and scientists closer to understanding the molecular mechanism by which this fungal infection has endangered little brown bats in Manitoba and Canada.
-Anouska Agarwal, 2022-23 Research Manitoba Master's Studentship award recipient

Research Manitoba promotes, supports, and coordinates the funding of research excellence and innovation in health, natural and social sciences, engineering and the humanities in Manitoba. The purpose of the Research Manitoba Master’s Studentship awards is to support highly qualified Master's trainees in health, natural sciences and engineering, and social sciences and humanities, to prepare for careers as independent researchers in industry or within Manitoba’s research enterprise.

2022-2023 recipients

Anouska Agarwal (Bioscience, Technology and Public Policy)
Patrick Carty (Environmental and Social Change)
Winter Lipscombe (Applied Economics)
Rosemary Minns (Bioscience, Technology and Public Policy)
Nathalie Turenne (Environmental and Social Change)
Emily Unger (Environmental and Social Change)

I am starting my first year of research with Dr. Caleb Hasler at the University of 91全能版. We are looking at the effects of carbon dioxide on alarm cue response in Japanese Medaka. This will allow us to understand the specific effects that elevated carbon dioxide levels have on the behavior of prey fish species. Being a recipient of the Research Manitoba Grants and Awards Competition means so much to me as it grants me access to all the materials I need to complete my research. It also allows me to travel to conferences which will allow me to network with many ecologists and other biologists that will help me not only in my research at University of 91全能版, but in my future career as well.
-Rosemary Minns, 2022-23 Research Manitoba Master's Studentship award recipient

 The Senator Thomas Crerar Scholarship

This scholarship, named in honour of the late Senator Thomas Crerar, is established by a fund created at the request of Dorothy Naylor and is administered by the 91全能版 Foundation.

This award is given annually to a student who is has completed their final undergraduate or MA qualifying year and is entering a graduate program in the Humanities, with preference given to students showing an interest in Canadian History or Philosophy, or the language and literature of either French- or English-speaking peoples.

2022-2023 recipient: Bailey Rostek (History)

My chosen field of study is Canadian/Indigenous and Queer history. I think as a Canadian and member of the LGBTQIA+ community I was drawn to histories that have not been 'historically' focused upon. What drew me to Indigenous history was my fascination with social studies and colonial Canada while growing up. I believe that by learning about these histories, and researching their impacts in the present day, I can make a meaningful contribution to reconciliation between settlers and Indigenous communities...

...I would like to thank the donor for their generosity and continued support of post-secondary and graduate programs here in Manitoba. These awards and scholarships promote a culture of academic success by enabling students like myself to completely dedicate themselves to their research and learning. Social and historical research would not be as attainable without your support. You have my gratitude. 
-Bailey Rostek, 2022-23 Senator Thomas Crerar Scholarship recipient

The Donald V. Snider Memorial Fellowship

The Donald V. Snider Memorial Fellowship is administered by the 91全能版 Foundation. It is designated for a student enrolled or enrolling in one the University of 91全能版-University of Manitoba Joint Master's Program who demonstrates academic excellence and achievement.

2022-23 recipient: Lisa Neufeld (Peace and Conflict Studies)

This award will make it possible for me to deeply focus on my studies. I am eternally grateful.
Lisa Neufeld, 2022-23 Donald V. Snider Memorial Fellowship recipient

The President's Scholarship for World Leaders

I am honoured to have been awarded The University of 91全能版 Graduate Studies Scholarship and The President’s Scholarship for World leaders. I wish to thank the donors, the Department of Economics, the Faculty of Graduate Studies, the award committees, and the University of 91全能版 in general. My sincere appreciation also goes to Professor Melanie O’Gorman under whose supervision my research proposal came to limelight.
Valentine Nwafor, 2022-23 President's Scholarship for World Leaders recipient

The President’s Scholarship for World Leaders is an entrance scholarship for international student graduate students who have a high admissions average and demonstrate exceptional leadership qualities.

2022-23 recipients

Alireza Bayat (Cultural Studies)
Kelly Hart (Cultural Studies)
Valentine Nwafor (Applied Economics)

The University of 91全能版 Graduate Studies Scholarship

This award will help me to incorporate new technology into my research and better explore fish responses to catch-and-release angling. Tri-axial accelerometers are a technology that provides unique data to scientists, allowing them to monitor fish movement and depth preferences within their aquatic environment. I will be using them to see how fish activity (i.e., overall dynamic body acceleration) changes in relation to recreational angling, and the recovery profiles of fish after certain retention times post-angling. This technology, paired with behavioural and physiological metrics of stress will provide a big-picture look at how robust Lake Trout are to angling. Lake Trout provide economic support to multiple northern communities, so the persistence of catch-and-release fisheries is vital. My study will allow fisheries managers to tailor management decisions for these fisheries and enhance them for the fish, the anglers, and the community.
-Bradley Howell, 2022-23 University of 91全能版 Graduate Studies Scholarship recipient

The University of 91全能版 Graduate Studies Scholarships are awarded to full-time graduate students in recognition of their academic excellence and contributions to community service. To receive these awards, students must demonstrate superior intellectual ability, academic accomplishment, and a strong history of community engagement.

2022-2023 recipients

Kohinur Aktar (Applied Economics)
Alireza Bayat (Cultural Studies)
Taylor Boucher (Cultural Studies)
Sage Broomfield (Master’s in Development Practice: Indigenous Development)
Apoorva Gangwani (Applied Economics)
Niamh Griffin (Cultural Studies)
Bradley Howell (Bioscience, Technology and Public Policy)
Valentine Nwafor (Applied Economics)
Haven Soto (Environmental and Social Change)

This valuable chance makes me able to gain theoretical knowledge of curating that does not generally exist in my home country. On practical level, this also helps me as an international student to have more quality time to focus on the academic materials. The cultural studies political-intellectual projects and critical methodologies will help me to understand the socio-artistic complexities of my time in a better way. This knowledge merged with my previous activism, can hopefully, help me create platforms for those disempowered in our communities. With a background in architecture and experience in different aspects of art field, I was always waiting for a point to start my professional education as a curator. This long-awaited goal is now possible because of these supports. This position is the situation in which I can situate myself in relation to my background and my hopes for the future.
Alireza Bayat, 2022-23 University of 91全能版 Graduate Studies Scholarship recipient

Firstly, I would like to thank  the University of 91全能版, for providing such scholarships that helps students get a step closer to their goal. Graduate programs require one to deal with various deadlines while managing one’s finances. With that said, UWGSS has helped me manage my finances well so I can dedicate most of my time focusing on my coursework, which I am sure will help me excel in it. I would also like to thank Professor Melanie O’Gorman for her constant guidance. -Apoorva Gangwani, 2022-23 University of 91全能版 Graduate Studies Scholarship recipient

The President's Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship

I cannot express how incredibly honoured I am to be a recipient of the President’s Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship for the 2022-2023 academic year. I would like to thank the Faculty of Graduate Studies and awards committee for this recognition.As a first-year student in the M.Sc in Bioscience, Technology, and Public Policy program, this award will help shape the trajectory of my research into early life stress. I am currently working under the supervision of Dr. Sanoji Wijenayake in the Department of Biology to study how maternal obesity can shape the bioactive components of breastmilk, and how these changes may impact neurodevelopment, epigenetics, and behaviour in offspring. Specifically, my research will explore if administration of milk-based biomolecules could reduce DNA damage in the brain and provide protection to offspring with early-life exposure to maternal obesity.I would like to give a special thank you to my supervisor, Dr. Sanoji Wijenayake, whose continued guidance and support has made all of this possible, as well as to my family and friends for their love and encouragement as I pursue graduate studies.
Jasmyne Storm, 2022-23 President's Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship recipient

The President's Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarships are offered to current and incoming graduate students who demonstrate superior academic achievement and research potential.

I am incredibly honoured and humbly privileged to receive the President's Distinguished Graduate Scholarship. Receiving this award has also been a great source of confidence and hope, especially as an International student who has just arrived in Canada. The award will help me focus on my studies and research without financial burden.
I am working with my thesis co-advisors, Dr. Kirit Patel and Dr. Alan Diduck on an interdisciplinary project (Dried Fish Matters) focused on the social economy of dried fish in South and South East Asia. In particular, my thesis project will focus on researching the social, economic and political dimensions of the dried-fish economy in my home State of Gujarat. For millions of people in India's vulnerable coastal communities, the dried fish economy has been a source of cheap protein and sustainable livelihoods. Women, in particular, have been core beneficiaries of employment and livelihood generated through the dried fish trade. Despite its nutritional, gender-based and environmental significance, little research exists on this economy and its stakeholders. Through field-based research methods and closely aligned secondary research data, my research will address this policy oversight and assist in informing public policy on this crucial issue. 

-Mohammad Anas Shoebullah Khan, 2022-23 President's Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship recipient

2022-23 recipients

Teresa Horosko (Cultural Studies)
Mohammad Anas Shoebullah Khan (Environmental and Social Change)
Giulio Navarroli (Bioscience, Technology and Public Policy)
Katherine Rempel (Master’s in Development Practice: Indigenous Development)
Jasmyne Storm

Receiving this prestigious award is an honor and inspired me to keep striving for the sky as there is no limit on what you can achieve with hard work and dedication.  The award has provided me the opportunity to focus on my research.  For a low-income single parent, it has truly been life changing in alleviating the financial burden of tuition and will allow me to graduate without facing a wall of debt.
My research has been in the field of Indigenous Development through a relationship built with the 91全能版 Boldness Project.  The relationship started in 2020 when I co-authored a paper with Dr. Jamie Cidro and Boldness that was recently published in John’s Hopkins University Press.  Currently, through a Mitacs and Social Innovation Canada Fellowship I have been worked with Boldness to develop an Accountability Framework Report.  I have also recently started research for the Indigenous Wisdom Toolkit that will be developed through Boldness by the North End community.  Through the relationships built in the North End community I was also able to partner with Mount Carmel Clinic for a project facilitating community engagement sessions that resulted in a community-led report on ways to lower barriers to mental health services.
I want to thank all the people who have guided me on this education journey, especially my supervisor; Dr. Jamie Cidro, and Project Director for the 91全能版 Boldness Project; Diane Roussin. I would also like to thank the University of 91全能版, the MDP program staff, the 91全能版 Boldness Project, Mount Carmel Clinic, the President’s Student Leadership Program, and the North End community; who none of this work could have been done without.
-Katherine Rempel, 2022-23 President's Distinguished Gradaute Student Scholarship recipient