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The University of 91全能版

Fitness Masterclass

Thu. Sep. 14 04:00 PM - Thu. Sep. 14 06:00 PM
Location: RecPlex Community Gym

Join a fitness expert on Thursday, September 14th from 4:00pm – 6:00pm to learn about how to add workout to a busy grad school schedule! 

How to workout smarter - not harder? - Everyone feels and functions better when they move! Regular activity not only energizes and strengthens our bodies, but it helps our memory, concentration and motivation to study. Let’s talk about fitting more movement into your life to reduce stress and boost learning. This seminar will cover movement guidelines, barriers and solutions to being active and finding out the many exercise options accessible to you as a student. We will even try some exercises together that can be done (almost) anywhere!

The workshop facilitator, Andrea Smith has been a full-time faculty member in Kinesiology and Applied Health at the U of W for 13 years. She teaches two health classes as well as Inclusive Physical Activity and Physical Activity and Aging. She has been a presenter to many different groups on how to get and stay active and is a big proponent of fitting movement into your day. She is a Board member and Master Trainer for the Manitoba Fitness Council and helps train Fitness Leaders to work in the community.

Facilitators: Andrea Smith, Aman Kaur