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The University of 91全能版

Donor of the Month: Sherri Walsh and Louis Ludwig

Wed. Dec. 1, 2021

Sherri and Louis at a Gala

Behind the Bursary: Foundation Board Member Sherri Walsh and Dr. Louis Ludwig Speak about their relationship to U91全能版

A lawyer and Foundation board member since 2014, Sherri Walsh has a history as a donor and a longer history as an alum of both The Collegiate and The University of 91全能版. The managing partner at Hill Sokalski Walsh, Sherri has handled her fair share of legal appointments, ranging from Chief Adjudicator under the Human Rights Code in Manitoba to the City of 91全能版’s first Integrity Commissioner

Given her extensive experience, Sherri was asked in 2011 to be Commission Counsel to the Phoenix Sinclair Inquiry. A government-led investigation into the death of a child linked to the provincial welfare system, the Inquiry was tasked with making recommendations to the provincial government based on their findings that would better protect children in Manitoba. As part of her efforts in stewarding the investigation, Sherri noted that a large portion of the evidence heard by the Commission called attention to the importance of having easily accessible and affordable daycare services. Taking this to heart, Sherri and her husband Dr. Louis Ludwig worked together with the Foundation to establish the Sherri Walsh and Louis Ludwig Daycare Bursary , an award that seeks to help those with children achieve their academic dreams at U91全能版 by providing childcare funding to recipients whose tuition is paid for through the Opportunity Fund.

After receiving an inaugural startup donation from Sherri and her husband in 2016, the Sherri Walsh and Louis Ludwig Daycare Bursary has aided in strengthening University support for student-parents while at the same time highlighting the benefits associated with strong childcare services for similar institutions across the province. Sherri goes on to say that “what I learned from the Inquiry was that without childcare, parents are not able to go to school, work or take proper care of their own wellbeing. Louis and I wanted to make a meaningful contribution to the community that would reflect the three years I worked on the Inquiry. We have heard from recipients that receiving the bursary not only helps them achieve their academic goals, it also tells them that even someone who is a complete stranger has their back. That’s what being part of a community is all about—making sure that people know you see them; are thinking about them; and are happy to help and connect with them.” Due to the strong following behind the award, Sherri is pleased to point out that many of her friends and family members often give to the bursary to mark personal milestones for her and her husband.

Providing support to students has defined both Sherri and Louis’s relationship to U91全能版. Beyond their bursary, Louis has continued to work with the Wellness Clinic as a psychiatrist, helping offer mental health services to students since 2014. In addition to Louis’s work, Sherri has helped the Foundation grow as a member of the Board of Directors and currently sits as one of the Duff Roblin Dinner Committee Co-chairs—“Staying connected to and offering support for the University continues to be a significant part of our lives.” says Sherri.

“We are incredibly proud of the work that Sherri and Louis have done in service of the University, our students, and our programs,” added Foundation President and CEO Javier Schwersensky. “As fellow board members, I am excited to see Sherri’s passionate effort being used to generate support from our campus and donors in service to the U91全能版 community.”

If you’re interested in giving to funds like the Louis Ludwig and Sherri Walsh daycare Bursary, you can support students online at uwinnipeg.ca/foundation/ways-to-give or by calling 204-786-9995.