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Senate Membership

The membership of Senate (voting): 

  • Abrar Abdelmahmoud, UWSA
  • Emma Alexander, Chair of History
  • Soham Baksi, Chair of Economics
  • Jane Barter, Religion and Culture
  • Navinder Basra, VP (Finance & Administration)
  • Jeanette Bautista, Chair of Applied Computer Science
  • Jake Bergen, Education
  • Christopher Bidinosti, Physics
  • Bruce Bolster, Neuroscience Coordinator
  • Derrick Bourassa, Chair of Psychology
  • Christopher Brauer, Chair of Theatre and Film
  • Alyson Brickey, English
  • Brenton Button, Education
  • Haifeng Chen, Economics
  • Brandon Christopher, English
  • Kevin Clace, Dean of the Collegiate
  • Samantha Cook, Chair of Modern Languages and Literatures
  • Jan DeFehr, Education
  • Danielle Defries, Chair of Kinesiology and Applied Health
  • Chhavi Dhir, UWSA
  • Ruth Dickinson, Board of Regents
  • W. Rory Dickson, Chair of Religion and Culture
  • Jino Distasio, Acting Dean of Kinesiology and Acting Dean of Science
  • Matt Dyce, Chair of Geography
  • Ryan Eyford, History
  • Scott Forbes, Biology
  • Jens Franck, Chair of Biology
  • Jonathon Franklin, Chair of Sociology
  • Alexander Freund, Chair of German/Canadian Studies
  • Andrew Frey, Physics
  • Justin Friesen, Psychology
  • Melissa Funke, Classics
  • Barb Gamey, Chancellor
  • Kelly Gorkoff, Chair of Criminal Justice
  • Joan Grace, Chair of Political Science
  • Hugh Grant, Dean of Business and Economics and Acting Chair of Business and Administration
  • Caleb Hasler, Biology
  • Laurie Hellsten, Dean of Education
  • Joshua Hollett, Chair of Chemistry
  • Blair Jamieson, Chair of Physics
  • Colleen Kachulak, DM Rep
  • Tomiris Kaliyeva, President of the UWSA
  • Bill Kirkpatrick, Sociology
  • Leah Kuragano, History
  • Shauna Labman, Acting Human Rights Program Coordinator
  • Devin Latimer, Chemistry
  • Celiese Lypka, English
  • Shauna MacKinnon, Chair of Urban and Inner-City Studies
  • Carla Manfredi, English
  • Cathy Mattes, History of Art Coordinator
  • Andrew McGillivray, Chair of Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications
  • Hope McIntyre, Theatre and Film
  • Peter Miller, Chair of Classics
  • Erin Millions, History
  • Todd Mondor, President
  • Mostafa Nasri, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Ben Nobbs-Thiessen, Chair of Mennonite Studies
  • Grace O'Farrell, Business and Administration
  • Melanie O'Gorman, Economics 
  • Jitendra Paliwal, VP (Research and Innovation)
  • Manish Pandey, Acting Dean of Graduate Studies
  • Kirit Patel, Chair of Environmental Studies
  • Robert Patterson, Collegiate
  • Valerie Pelleck, Kinesiology and Applied Health
  • Gyanendra Pokharel, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Gabrielle Prefontaine, Dean of Library
  • Pavlina Radia, VP (Academic)
  • Narad Rampersad, Chair of Mathematics and Statistics
  • Jaqueline McLeod Rogers, Rhetoric, Writing and Communications
  • Ivan Roksandic, Linguistics Coordinator
  • Mirjana Roksandic, Bioanthropology Coordinator
  • Sharanpal Ruprai, Chair of Women's and Gender Studies
  • Adam Scarfe, Acting Chair of Philosophy
  • Shailesh Shukla, Acting Chair of Indigenous Studies
  • Lisa Sinclair, Psychology
  • Sheri-Lynn Skwarchuk, Developmental Studies Coordinator
  • Andrea Smith, Kinesiology and Applied Health
  • Anna Stokke, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Bonnie Talbot, Collegiate
  • Shelley Tulloch, Chair of Anthropology
  • Dee Wallace, Library
  • Laura-Anne Warszycki, Biology
  • Tracy Whalen, Acting Dean of Arts
  • Conor Whately, Classics
  • Christopher Wiebe, Chemistry
  • Sanoji Wijenayake, Biology
  • Doris Wolf, Chair of English
  • Farra Yasin, Education
  • Dorothy Young, Board of Regents
  • Ray Vander Zaag, MSC
  • Anoisha Zafar, UWSA
  • Jie Zhou, Economics

Contact Information:

All communications for Senate should be sent to the University Secretary.

Last updated August 1, 2024.