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The University of 91全能版

MDP Student Publications

This page contains a list of journal articles, book chapters and other research that MDP students have published over the years. These works may resulted from a research assistantship, major research project (MRP), coursework, field placement, an outside research project or even a continued collaboration with UW faculty post graduation.  This is a testament to the breadth of research possibilities within the U91全能版 MDP Program.


Ashley Hayward, Larissa Wodtke, Ari Phanlouvong, Sandra Wiebe, Kiera Kowalski, Jaime Cidro (2024). Indigenous doulas: Exploitative work while caring for our relative. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, Vol. 9, 2590-2911,


McKay, G., Oldroyd, A., O’Gorman, M., McLachlan, S. & Rad-Spice, M. (2023). Business Development for Value-Added Fishery Products in Misipawistik Cree Nation. In Andrews, E. (Ed.), Thinking BIG about Small-Scale Fisheries in Canada. TBTI Global.

Cidro, J., Wodtke, L., Hayward, A., Nychuk A., Doenmez, C., & Sinclair, S. (2023) Fair compensation and the affective costs for indigenous doulas in Canada: A qualitative study. Midwifery, 116 doi: 


Alabi, B. O., & Robin, T. (2022). Food insecurities and dependencies: Indigenous food responses to COVID-19. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 0(0). 

Nemogá, G., Appasamy, A., & Romanow, C. (2022). Protecting Indigenous and Local Knowledge Through a Biocultural Diversity Framework. The Journal of Environment & Development, 31(3) DOI: 

Wlasichuk, L., Wilson, T., Rempel, K., Bear, C., & Cidro J. (2022). 91全能版's North End Wellbeing Measure: Using Social Innovation to Drive Community Measurements. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action 16(3), 385-392. .

Doenmez, C., Cidro, J., Sinclair, S., Hayward, A., Wodtke, L., & Nychuk, A. (2022). Heart Work: Indigenous Doulas Responding to Challenges of Western Systems and Revitalizing Indigenous Birthing Care in Canada. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(41) doi:


Walby, K. & Alabi, B. (2021). Examining Press Conference and Press Accounts of Canadian Police Shootings. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, doi:

Hayward, A., Wodtke, L., Craft, A., Robin, T., Smylie, J., McConkey, S., Nychuk, A., Healy, C., Star, L., & Cidro, J. (2021). Addressing the Need for Indigenous and Decolonized Quantitative Research Methods in Canada. SSM - Population Health, 15(100899). doi:

Cidro, J., Doenmez, C., Sinclair, S., Nychuk, A., Wodtke, L., & Hayward, A. (2021). Putting them on a Strong Spiritual Path: Indigenous Doulas Responding to the Needs of Indigenous Mothers and Communities. International Journal for Equity and Health, 20(189). doi: 

[Indigenous section researcher/writer] Oldroyd, A. (2021). Impatient Readiness: The State of Social Finance in Canada 2021, 78-84. Investment Readiness Program - Government of Canada. Retrieved October 13, 2021, from

Alemneh, H. (2021) Redefining Tourism through an Indigenous Rights-based Approach. In L. Forsythe & J. Markides (Eds.) Walking Together in Indigenous Research (pp. 9-18). New York: DIO Press.

Osei-Yeboah, E. (2021) The Relationship Between Development and Freedom for Indigenous Peoples: Does Autonomy Translate Directly into Development. In L. Forsythe & J. Markides (Eds.) Walking Together in Indigenous Research (pp. 123-130). New York: DIO Press.

Fitzpatrick, P., & Alabi, B. (2021). A report prepared for the Consumers’ Association of Canada–Manitoba Branch.


Alidina, A., Morton, D., & Wirch, J. (2020). Fostering Safe Spaces for Dialogue and Relationship-building between Newcomers and Indigenous Peoples. Immigration Partnership 91全能版. Retrieved October 13, 2021, from

Hayward, A., Cidro, J., Dutton, R., & Passey, K. (2020). A Systematic Review of Health and Wellness Studies Involving the Inuit Population of Manitoba and Nunavut. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 79(1), 1779524. doi:

Cidro, J., Bach, R., & Frohlick, S. (2020). Canada’s forced birth travel: Towards Feminist Indigenous Reproductive Mobilities. Mobilities, 15(2), 173-187. Special Issue on Reproductive Mobilities. doi:

Cidro, J., Sinclair, S. Delaronde, S., & Star, L. (2020). Restoring Ceremony as the Methodological Approach in Indigenous Research: The Indigenous Doula Project. In E. Sumida & N. Martin (Eds.), Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Research Methodologies: Local Solutions and Global Opportunities (pp. 102-120). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Qadir, M., Drechsel, P., Jiménez Cisneros Blanca, Kim, Y., Pramanik, A., Mehta, P., & Olaniyan, O. (2020). Global and Regional Potential of Wastewater as a Water, Nutrient and Energy Source. Natural Resources Forum, 44(1), 40–51.

Wilson, T., & Shukla, S. (2020). Pathways to Revitalization of Indigenous Food Systems: Decolonizing Diets through Indigenous-focused Food Guides. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 1-8, 1–8.

Awotwe, E., Berge, S. & Davis, P. (2020). Do We Need a New Direction for Managing a Multi-Stakeholder Co-operative? A Critical and Theoretical Reflection on Why Aspirations Sometimes Fail. International Journal of Co-operative Accounting and Management, 3(3), 4-20.

Robb, K. & P. Fitzpatrick (2020). A workshop held by the Consumers’ Association of Canada, Manitoba Branch, the Public Interest Law Centre, and the University of 91全能版. 91全能版, MB.

Fitzpatrick, P. & Williams, B. (2020).  . The University of 91全能版. (Alabi, B. was acknowledged in this publication).


Duthie-Kannikkatt, K., Shukla, S., Rao M.L, S., Sakkhari, K., & Pachari, D. (2019). Sowing the Seeds of Resilience: A Case Study of Community-based Indigenous Seed Conservation from Andhra Pradesh, India. Local Environment, 24(9), 843–860.

Fontaine, L., Wood, S., Forbes, L., & Schultz, A. (2019). Listening to First Nations women’ expressions of heart health: mite achimowin digital storytelling study. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 78(1), DOI: 

Shukla, S., Alfaro, J., Cochrane, C., Garson, C., Mason, G., Dyck, J., Beaudin-Reimer, B., & Barkman, J. (2019). Nimíciwinán, nipimátisiwinán – “Our Food is Our Way of Life”: On-reserve First Nation Perspectives on Community Food Security and Sovereignty through Oral History in Fisher River Cree Nation, Manitoba. Canadian Food Studies / La Revue Canadienne Des Études Sur L'alimentation, 6(2), 73–100.

Wu, Y. Q., Chartier, M., Ly, G., Phanlouvong, A., Thomas, S., Weenusk, J., Murdock, N., Munro, G., & Sareen, J. (2019). Qualitative Case Study Investigating Pax-good Behaviour Game in First Nations Communities: Insight into School Personnel's Perspectives in Implementing a Whole School Approach to Promote Youth Mental Health. Bmj Open9(9), 030728.

Antunes, S., Passey, K., Tabobondung, J., & Vas, E. (2019). The Honourable Harvest: An Indigenous Research Protocol. In J. Markides & L. Forsythe, Research Journeys In/To Multiple Ways of Knowing (pp.263-274). Dio Press Inc.


Winter, J., & Boudreau, J. (2018). Supporting Self-Determined Indigenous Innovations: Rethinking the Digital Divide in Canada. Technology Innovation Management Review, 8(2), 38-48.

McDonnell, L., Lavoie, J., Woody, A., Kornelson, D., Cidro, J., & Manoakeesick, L. (2018). Living in the City: Documenting the Lived Experiences of the Island Lake Anishininew People. Manitoba Research Alliance. Retrieved from

Appasamy, A., Szabo, C., & Tabobondung, J. (2018). Surveying Undergraduate Students’ Perceptions on the Indigenous Course Requirement. In J. Markides & L. Forsythe, Looking Back and Living Forward: Indigenous Research Rising Up (pp. 205-215). Brill Sense.

Passey, K. (2018). Scaling Deep: Arts Based Research Practices. In J. Markides & L. Forsythe, Looking Back and Living Forward: Indigenous Research Rising Up (pp. 255-262). Brill Sense.

Cidro, J., Doenmez, C., Phanlouvong, A., & Fontaine, A. (2018). Being a Good Relative: Indigenous Doulas Reclaiming Cultural Knowledge to Improve Health and Birth Outcomes in Manitoba. Frontiers in Women’s Health, 3(4), 1-8. Retrieved from

O’Gorman, M., & Penner, S. (2018). Water infrastructure and Well-being among First Nations, Métis and Inuit Individuals in Canada: What does the Data Tell Us? Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(33), 33038–33055.


Baker, Z., Bellows, B., Bach, R., & Warren, C. (2017). Barriers to Obstetric Fistula Treatment in Low-income Countries: A Systematic Review. Tropical Medicine & International Health: TM & IH, 22(8), 938–959.


Shukla, S., Barkman, J., & Patel, K. (2016). Weaving Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge with Formal Education to Enhance Community Food Security: School Competition as a Pedagogical Space in Rural Anchetty, India. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 25(1), 87–103.


Shukla, S., Beaudin, B., Dyck, J., Cochrane, C., Alfaro, J., Barkman, J., & Hart, C. (2014). The Odyssey of Oral History Interviewing in Community-based Action Research: Exploring Indigenous Knowledges and Food Sovereignty in Fisher River, Manitoba, Canada. In SAGE Research Methods Cases. 

Happychuk, N., Palikhey, E., Lama, L., Sthapit, S., & Shukla, S. (2014). Reacquiring a Taste for Diversity: Changing Food Habits, Their Casual Factors, and the Value of Dietary Diversity in Jumla, Nepal. Biodiversity Watch, 4 (April-June), 167-197.

Shukla, S., Cochrane, C., Barkman, J., & Elders from the Fisher River. (2014). The Forgotten Traditional Foods of Fisher River: Community Food Security Manual. University of 91全能版 and Fisher River Cree Nations: Manitoba, Canada

Bach, R. (2014). . The University of 91全能版.

Cook, H. (2014). . The University of 91全能版.


Bach, R., & Everitt, A. (2013). Moving Towards Sustainability: Addressing The Inequalities Experienced by Special Needs Individuals in Norway House Cree Nation. Sustainable Development Practice: Advancing Evidence-Based Solutions for the Post-2015 Agenda, Proceedings of of the 2013 International Conference on Sustainable Development Practice/ Rodrigo Medeiros & Larry Swatuk (eds), 76-87.