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Policy: Reduced Appointments for Support Staff Excluded from Bargaining Units


September 1, 1994 (replaces policy dated April 1, 1989)




This policy serves to establish the regulations and procedures pertaining to reduced appointments.

In order to provide employees with more flexible employment arrangements and to allow the University to meet changing needs during periods of fiscal restraint, eligible employees may apply for a reduced appointment.


This policy and the procedures outlined herein apply to all support staff at the University who are excluded from bargaining units. For employees who are members of a bargaining unit, consult the corresponding article in the appropriate collective agreement.


The President is responsible for the communication, administration, and interpretation of this policy.



An employee in a full-time continuing position shall be eligible to apply for a reduced appointment if he/she is a member of the Pension Plan and has completed at least ten (10) years of continuous full-time service (including approved leaves or disability periods) with the University immediately preceding the commencement of the proposed reduced appointment. The maximum reduction in the hours of work from full-time employment as a result of the reduced appointment shall be fifty percent (50%). While on a reduced appointment an employee shall retain both access to the employee benefit plans and his/her University status.


An application for a reduced appointment shall be submitted through the Department Head and the Dean, Director, or Unit Head to the President at least six (6) months prior to the requested commencement date. The application shall be accompanied by the recommendations of the applicant's Department Head and Dean, Director or Unit Head. The accompanying recommendations shall specify the amount by which the appointment is to be reduced and the duties to be performed by the employee while on reduced appointment.


The granting of a reduced appointment shall be at the sole discretion of the Board of Regents on the recommendation of the President. In developing his/her recommendation, the President shall be guided by the reasons stated for the proposed reduction in hours of work, the academic and financial requirements of the Department/Faculty, and his/her assessment of the overall needs of the University. Decisions on the granting of reduced appointments shall normally be made at least four (4) months prior to the commencement date of the reduced appointment.


An employee whose application for a reduced appointment is approved shall have a "Normal Salary Rate" computed as if the employee were continuing on full-time status. All relevant salary adjustments shall be applied to the Normal Salary Rate. The "Actual Salary" to be paid to the employee shall be pro-rated from the Normal Salary Rate in direct relation to the approved reduction in hours of work.

Employee Benefits

Each employee whose application for a reduced appointment is approved shall continue to participate in the University Pension Plan and other employee benefit plans. Except as provided below, both the employee's contributions and the University's contributions shall be based on the Normal Salary Rate, and coverage for the University Pension Plan and the life insurance plan shall be based on the Normal Salary Rate of the eligible member. The contributions and coverage under the Long Term Disability Plan shall be based on the employee's Actual Salary.

For the purposes of computing credited service for the formula pension, an employee on a reduced appointment who is continuing contributions to the University Pension Plan based on his/her Normal Salary Rate shall receive credit as if employed on a full-time basis.

Employees maintaining contributions to the Long Term Disability Plan shall be covered under the University's Sick Leave and Long Term Disability salary continuation plans. Sick leave and disability payments under the plans shall be on the basis of Actual Salary.

Service and Vacation Entitlement

Service for purposes of calculating the vacation entitlement of an employee on a reduced appointment shall be accumulated on the basis of the reduced hours of work. Vacation pay shall be on the basis of Actual Salary.

For the purpose of any assessment of performance, an employee on a reduced appointment shall be assessed on the basis of the hours of work and duties specified in the reduced appointment.

Letter of Appointment

Each employee whose application for a reduced appointment is approved shall receive a letter of appointment from the President which shall state:

(a) the employee's current Normal Salary Rate;
(b) the percentage reduction in hours of work;
(c) the employee's current Actual Salary on the effective date of the reduced appointment;
(d) the effective date of the reduced appointment;
(e) the employee's revised duties, and
(f) any other related conditions.

The employee's duties while on a reduced appointment may involve any combination of the employee's former duties.

No reduced appointment shall take effect until and unless the employee indicates in writing to the President his/her acceptance of the reduced appointment and all of the terms and conditions specified in the letter of appointment.

Return to Full-Time Status

An employee on a reduced appointment may return to full-time status within the first twenty-four (24) months following the effective date of the employee's first reduced appointment, provided the employee gives six (6) months written notice to the President of his/her intention to do so. Following this twenty-four (24) month period, an employee whose reduced appointment has been approved may not return to a full-time appointment or change the percentage reduction in hours of work unless such a return or change has been approved by the Board of Regents on recommendation from the President, or as provided below.

An employee who is a successful candidate for a vacant full-time position shall return to full-time employment, effective from the starting date of the new appointment.

Each employee whose application for a reduced appointment is approved shall continue to be covered by the appropriate University policies.