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Policy: Overtime Policy for Support Staff Excluded from Bargaining Units


September 1, 1994 (replaces policy dated July 1, 1990)




The purpose of this policy is to establish the regulations pertaining to overtime for support staff excluded from bargaining units. It also serves to establish the procedures involved in the application of the policy.


This policy applies to all support staff at the University who are excluded from bargaining units. For employees who are members of a bargaining unit, consult the corresponding article in the appropriate collective agreement.


The Director of Human Resources is responsible for the communication, administration, and interpretation of this policy.


Authorized Overtime

All time worked in excess of the employee's regularly scheduled full-time hours of work must be authorized in advance by his/her supervisor to be considered for payment at overtime rates.

Vacation in Lieu of Overtime

Due to the inherent nature of their positions, some employees may be responsible for determining their own hours of work, and authorization is often not practical or possible. In order to compensate for anticipated additional hours of work, an employee may request approval to waive future overtime payments in exchange for five (5) working days of additional vacation entitlement in each year, as provided in the Vacation Policy. A written agreement, available from the Human Resources Department, shall be prepared and a copy submitted to the appropriate Vice-President, Dean, Director, or Head of Administrative Unit for approval. All such agreements are subject to the final approval of the Vice-President (Finance and Administration). This agreement shall be subject to termination by either party upon giving thirty (30) calendar days notice. A copy of the approved agreement shall be forwarded to the Human Resources Department for the purpose of recording vacation entitlement. Information regarding the waiver of overtime payments is available from the Human Resources Department.

Compensating Time Off

Where the above-mentioned extra week of vacation entitlement may not adequately compensate for the overtime worked by an individual employee, the Dean, Director, or Unit Head may approve additional compensating time off with pay.

Overtime Rates

All overtime shall be paid at the rate of two times (2X) the employee's normal hourly rate of pay for actual time worked except as follows:

(a) for a call-back on the employee's regular working day, two times (2X) the hourly rate of pay for all hours worked on call-back with a minimum of two (2) hours at two times (2X) the hourly rate of pay.
(b) for a call-back on the employee's regular day of rest, two times (2X) the hourly rate of pay for all hours worked on call-back with a minimum of four (4) hours at two times (2X) the hourly rate of pay.
(c) for a call-back on a paid holiday, in addition to the regular earnings for the paid holiday, two times (2X) the hourly rate of pay for all hours worked on the call-back with a minimum of four (4) hours at two times (2X) the hourly rate of pay.
(d) for scheduled work on a paid holiday, in addition to the regular earnings for the paid holiday, two times (2X) the hourly rate of pay for all hours worked.

A call-back shall be defined as any work performed as a result of an authorized call received by an employee during the period between the completion of work and subsequent starting time, requesting that the employee return to work. Payment for a call-back shall not apply where the time worked is continuous to the employee's regular work shift or where the employee is notified before the completion of work that he/she is required to report for work at a different time on the subsequent work day.

Time Off in Lieu of Overtime

Where an employee, other than one referred to in the section of this policy entitled "Vacation in Lieu of Overtime," is required to work overtime, the employee shall receive payment for that overtime. However, the employee may, if the supervisor agrees, receive time off in lieu of payment. The accumulation of time off shall not exceed fifteen (15) working days at any time. Such time off shall be equivalent in hours to the pay for such overtime as would have been calculated under the section of this policy entitled "Overtime Rates." The employee shall make the election at the time of completing the overtime claim sheet. The time off may be taken at a date requested by the employee, unless, in the opinion of the University, the date requested would be disruptive to the operation of the department.

All hours worked in excess of fifteen (15) working days shall be paid as overtime. Any accumulated hours not received as time off by the fiscal year end shall be paid unless the employee and the University mutually agree in writing to have unused accumulated overtime taken off in the following year.

Payment Procedure

Payments for overtime shall be processed on a biweekly basis in the immediately following biweekly pay period.

Overtime payment forms not received at least ten (10) working days prior to any given pay date shall be processed for the next following pay period.

Work for Time Off

Providing that the employee has obtained approval from his/her supervisor, he/she may exchange work for time off or time off for work, for personal reasons, on a direct hour-for-hour basis. Time off shall not be taken unless the arrangements have been confirmed in writing.

Arrangements for Meals

Where an employee is required to work overtime following the normal work day and it is expected that the work will require more than three (3) hours to complete, the University shall provide the employee with a meal or a $6.00 meal allowance. A reasonable amount of time shall be allowed to eat the meal. This provision also applies to a employee required to work overtime in excess of four (4) hours on a regular day of rest.