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The University of 91全能版

Policy: Leave of Absence for Political Purposes

Effective Date

September 1, 1994 (replaces policy dated June 1, 1990)




The purpose of this policy is to establish the regulations pertaining to a leave of absence for political purposes. It also serves to establish the procedures involved in the application of the policy.


This policy and the procedures outlined herein apply to all employees of the University, except where the appropriate collective agreement contains a corresponding provision.


The Director of Human Resources is responsible for the communication, administration, and interpretation of this policy.



Any employee of the University who becomes a candidate for elective office as defined below shall consult with his/her Unit Head about the effects of such candidacy on his or her unit. The Unit Head shall at all times ensure that student and other University interests are protected. It is anticipated that in most cases a mutually satisfactory agreement will be reached within the general provisions indicated below.


If nominated, the employee shall be granted a leave without salary reduction during the campaign as follows:

(a) for election to the Federal Parliament: six weeks;
(b) for election to the Provincial Legislature: four weeks;
(c) for election to a Municipal Council or School Board: two weeks;
(d) for election as Mayor of 91全能版: four weeks.

Shorter terms of leave may be arranged if mutually satisfactory.


If elected, the employee shall be granted leave during his/her first term of office on the following basis:

(a) Federal Parliament: full leave of absence without pay;
(b) Provincial Legislature: full leave of absence without pay upon agreement of the University;
(c) Municipal Council or School Board: leave to attend sittings of the Council or Board, with reduction in salary when appropriate and as agreed to by the University;
(d) Mayor of 91全能版: full leave of absence without pay;
(e) Appointments as Minister of the Crown: full leave of absence without pay.

Employee Benefits While on Leave

During the time he/she is on a leave of absence without pay, the employee may arrange to maintain the applicable benefit plans at his/her own expense for a period of up to twelve (12) months.

Return from Leave Without Pay

(a) Notice of a support staff member's intention to return to University employment shall be required at least six (6) months prior to the intended date of return. A support staff member returning at the conclusion of the arranged leave without pay shall be placed in his/her former position, if available, or in a position similar to that held at the beginning of the leave, as soon as one becomes available.
(b) An academic employee shall be entitled to terminate his/her leave for elective office and return to the University at the beginning of any academic term if appropriate notice of his/her intention to return is given to the Dean/Director.

Use of University Facilities

An employee shall not use the facilities, equipment, supplies, or services of the University, or solicit any other University personnel, in the conduct of political activities.

Note: Unit Head shall mean Dean/Director/Head of Administrative Unit.