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Accidental Death & Dismemberment - Business Travel

The information provided here is intended as a summary of the more important features of the AD&D Business Travel benefit.  The terms and conditions under which coverage is provided is governed by the master insurance policy, and in any dispute the policy will take precedence over the information provided here.

The Business Travel Coverage is insured through SSQ Financial Group.  

You are covered under the Business Travel rider of this policy if you are:

a) Traveling directly to or coming from a meeting either regular or special;

b) Participating as a delegate member of the University at any convention relating to the University’s affairs at the expense of the University;

c) Traveling on the business and/or in the interest and/or at the expense of the University.

Coverage under section a) above, applies when you leave your residence to go directly to the meeting place, along a normal or reasonable route, without delay or stop over.

Coverage under sections b) and c) above, applies only during the course of the trip.

Such a trip shall be deemed to commence when you leave your residence or place of regular employment for the purpose of going on the trip, whichever occurs last, and will continue until you return to your residence or place of regular employment, whichever occurs first.

Termination of Coverage

AD&D Business Travel coverage will terminate on the earliest of the following dates:

  • Upon termination of employment or retirement;
  • The date premiums cease;
  • Support employees - earlier of retirement or age 70 (first of the month following attainment of age 70);
  • Academic employees – earlier of retirement or first of September following attainment of age 70.