ࡱ> y Sbjbj .{{lVVd(D;zl ;;;;;;;$h=@Z3;u3;;111 ;1 ;111} *1:;0;1t@0t@11 t@5,13;3;1;t@V v: The Field of German-Canadian Studies from 2000-2017: A Bibliography English Sources Books: Antor, Heinz, Sylvia Brown, John Considine, and Klaus Stierstorfer, eds. Refractions of Germany in Canadian Literature and Culture. Berlin:Walter de Gruyter, 2003. Auger, Martin F. Prisoners of the Home Front: German POWs and Enemy Aliens in Southern Quebec, 1940-1946. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005. Bassler, Gerhard. Vikings to U-boats: The German Experience in Newfoundland and Labrador. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2006. Bassler, Gerhard. Escape Hatch: Newfoundlands Quest for German Industry and Immigration, 1950-1970. St. Johns: Flanker Press, 2017. Freund, Alexander, ed. Beyond the Nation?: Immigrants Local Lives in Transnational Cultures. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012. Grams, Grant. 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