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Bonn: Protext, 1993. _╕·G Ш ф  Y v ▄  K о $ g ┬ є g А Ж▌H╛ўa{TЦхt└Kz╟NЯ╪KИ╖ $ЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎщЎhЗBo6БOJQJ]Б^JhЗBoOJQJ^J1ОП$ % ╚ ╔ K L ╩ ╦ < = ╖ ╙ Є є w Т о п ¤  V W Я ▒ ячячячячячячяяячяяячяяячяя1$7$8$H$Д╨Д0¤1$7$8$H$^Д╨`Д0¤$■▒ ф х ▒▓23▀р┼╞Лз╧╨╬╧FGде9:║╗ячячячячячяяячячячячячячяч1$7$8$H$Д╨Д0¤1$7$8$H$^Д╨`Д0¤╗56еж#$ячячяч1$7$8$H$Д╨Д0¤1$7$8$H$^Д╨`Д0¤#0P░╨/ ░р=!░"░#Ра$Ра%░Ь@@ё @ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@Є бD Default Paragraph FontRi@є │R  Table NormalЎ4╓ l4╓aЎ (k@Ї ┴(No List$"    ОП$%╚╔KL╩╦<=╖╙ЄєwТоп¤VWЯ▒фх▒▓23▀р┼╞Л з ╧ ╨ ╬ ╧ F G   д е 9 : ║ ╗ 56еж#&Ш0н?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0Ан?0АШ0ААШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0ААxШ0АА$ ▒ ╗$ $Ё8Ё@ё   АААўЁТЁЁ0Ё( Ё ЁЁB ЁS Ё┐╦  ?ЁхЗBogкlOу @Аx│ $p@  Unknown            GРЗz А Times New Roman5РАSymbol3&Р Зz А Arial"ИЁ╨h їЫf їЫfBт Bт С#Ёе└xxГ3ГЁ▀▀Ё ?                     gк   Baumann, GerdRickRick■ рЕЯЄ∙OhлС+'│┘0pРШ░╝╠╪фЇ  , 8 DPX`hфBaumann, GerdoaumRicknn,ickickNormal,Rickl,2ckMicrosoft Word 10.0@@МDUЎ┼@МDUЎ┼Bт ■ ╒═╒Ь.УЧ+,∙о0Ї hp|ДМФ Ьдм┤ ╝ ╓фnO Baumann, Gerd Title ■   ■    !■   #$%&'()■   ¤   ,■   ■   ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Root Entry         └F╨ ЮiЎ┼.А1Table        WordDocument        %"SummaryInformation(    DocumentSummaryInformation8            "CompObj            j                        ■                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ■       └FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.8Ї9▓q