
The University of 91全能版

Important Information about Final Exam Conflicts

If you find that you have 2 final exams that conflict, here is the procedure:

Once the final withdrawal date for both courses has passed, see an Academic Advisor, 1st Floor Rice Centre, (489 Portage Avenue), to obtain the appeal form for a Deferred Final Exam.  You will complete the first page of the form.

Check with each instructor to see if one of them is willing to let you write their exam at a different time or day. The instructor will be expected to supervise this alternate sitting of the exam.  The instructor(s) will complete the second page of the form and it is returned to Academic Advising.

If neither instructor is able to offer an alternate sitting, then you submit the completed appeal form to Academic Advising for review by the Senate Student Appeals Committee.  They determine which exam will be written during the deferred exam period.  

Still not clear? SEE AN - 1ST FLOOR, RICE CENTRE

U91全能版 Exam Schedules