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The University of 91全能版

Online Student Testimonial

Giselle de Lima Cassaro - 14 Week Pathway Program

Giselle's photo "I chose to study English in the English Language Program at the University of 91全能版 because that Program was the most recommended, all the information received from them by e-mail was valuable and the most important was the outstanding customer service I received, even with my low level of English.

The ELP offered me astounding classes, incredible instructors who encouraged me to be a great student and who always go the extra mile to help me as a student. The instructors prepared me for academic presentations, where I improved my speaking and listening skills, learned how to behave in class and how to write a research paper, following the required standards (APA style).

Because of them, I was able to write my assignments in the correct style and make presentations on the Program I did at PACE. A month after graduating from ELP, I started my Post-graduate Program at PACE - Human Resources Management Diploma and Management certificate.ELP prepared me not only for my professional life but also for my personal life.

In two terms studying English there, I received the Community Leadership Award, participated in the Language Partner Program that gave me the first impression of Canadian culture and where I was introduced to a Canadian family that received us and who still treat us like family today. Also prepared me for my Canadian experience, where I was able to participate as a volunteer and make friends from more than 10 countries.

After graduating from PACE, I started working at ELP being a part of this amazing team since 2018 where the best part of my work is the opportunity to help international students connecting with them and understanding their concerns."