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Hugh Grant, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics

Hugh GrantHugh Grant, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics
BA, MA, PhD (Toronto)

Areas of Specialization: Economic History, Labour, Health Economics

Recent Publications:

  • Cyrenne, Philippe (with Hugh Grant and Jacqueline Romanow). 2023. "Casinos as an Economic Development Strategy in the Prairie Provinces of Canada", Canadian Public Policy, 49(4): 362-382 []
  • Cai, Wenbiao, Hugh Grant and Manish Pandey. 2018. “Vintage Capital, Technology Adoption and Electricity Demand-Side Management”, Energy Journal, 39(2): 219-231.
  • W.A. Mackintosh: The Life of a Canadian Economist, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2015.
  • "Unhealthy Pressure: How Physician Pay Demands Put the Squeeze on Provincial Health-Care Budgets," Calgary School of Public Policy Research Papers (July 2013) v.6, n. 22 (with Jeremiah Hurley).
  • “Mandatory Retirement and the Employment Rights of Elderly Canadian Immigrants,” Canadian Public Policy (2013) 39:135-52 (with James Townsend).
  • “The Remarkable Career of David A. Golden,” Manitoba History (Winter 2012) 67:
  • “Rent Control,” Encyclopaedia of Housing (New York: Sage, 2012).
  • “,” prepared for Manitoba Family Services and Consumer Affairs, March 2011.
  • “Poverty among Elderly Canadian Immigrants” (with J. Townsend), in Immigrant Seniors, edited by D. Durst (Calgary: Detselig, 2010)
  • “University decision making and prestige: an empirical study,” Economics of Education Review (2009) 28: 237-48 (with P. Cyrenne).

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