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The University of 91全能版

Deborah Schnitzer

Deborah Schnitzer Title: Professor Emerita, University of 91全能版
Email: d.schnitzer@uwinnipeg.ca


  • 1986 Ph.D. (Manitoba) The Use and Abuse of Pictorial Terminology in Discussions of Modernist Fiction. Supervisor: Professor Evelyn J. Hinz.
  • 1975 Teacher Certification (Secondary) (Manitoba)
  • 1973 M.A., University of Calgary, 1973
  • 1972 B.A. (Hons.) (English and Philosophy, Western Ontario)


Deborah Schnitzer is Professor Emerita at the University of 91全能版, interested in inter-art relationships and experiential learning as educator, writer, editor, and filmmaker. Her participation in the Six Season of the Asiniskow Ithiniwak project began through her involvement with the Pisim Finds Her Miskanow picture book and teachers’ guide project. Her most recent publications include the novel jane dying again, the feature film, before anything you say, and a novella trilogy, Side by Side, currently under construction.


  • Canoe, co-directed with Shelagh Carter, 2010, based on my novel, jane dying again.
  • an unexpected break in the weather. Turnstone, 2009. Winner of the 2010 Margaret Laurence Award for Fiction.
  • “Chapter One” from the woman who swallowed west hawk lake. Home Place 3, Prairie Fire Inc. (Fall 2009) 45-57.
  • “brave,” Grain 36.6: 60-61.
  • resolve, with Shelagh Carter and Natasha Torres-Garner, 2009, an experimental dance film shown at Napolidanza, Polazzo delle Arti, Napoli, May 14-15, 2010 and the Moving Image Film Festival, Toronto, October 15-17, 2010.
  • “Windows as Homing Devices in Canadian Picturebooks.” Home Words: Discourses of Children’s Literature in Canada. Ed. Mavis Reimer. Wilfred Laurier UP, 2008.
  • “a rose.” A/cross Sections: New Manitoba Writing. The Manitoba Writers Guild Silver Anthology. Eds. Katherine Bitney and Andris Taskans. (Fall 2007) 205-09.
  • gertrude unmanageable. 91全能版: Arbeiter Ring Publishers, 2007.
  • “babylon.” Home Place: Prairie Fire Supplement. 91全能版: Prairie Fire Publishers. April 2007.
  • “bath.” Murderous Signs. May 2006, 13-26.