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The University of 91全能版

Curriculum Forms

Summary Sheet [DOC]

New Course Proposal [DOC]

Changes to Major/Degree Requirements [DOC]

Revisions to Existing Course [DOC]

Course Deletion Proposal [DOC]

Experimental Course Proposal [DOC]

Course Re-Activation Proposal [DOC]

Indigenous Course Requirement (ICR) - See this link for the ICR consult form and process: /indigenous/indigenous-course-requirement/index.html

Attachment 1: Relations with Other Programs (Departmental Consult) [DOC]

Attachment 2: Library Resources [DOC]

See also:

  • Articulation between Academic Planning and the Senate Curriculum Committee, updated March 17, 2022 [DOC]
  • Curriculum Guidelines and Information [PPT
  • Curriculum - Advice for some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) [DOC]
  • Field Work Policies [DOC] and Procedures [DOC]
  • Multi-Level Courses [DOC]
  • Social Science/Humanities Designation [PDF]
  • Experimental Course Conflict Policy [DOC]
  • SCC Policy Statements [DOC]