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The University of 91全能版

Jaime Cidro

Jaime Cidro Title: Faculty Member, Associate Vice-President of Research and Innovation
Office: 3RC086
Building: Richardson College for the Environment
Email: j.cidro@uwinnipeg.ca


Dr. Jaime Cidro is a Professor in the Department of Anthropology and Associate Vice-President, Research and Innovation, at the University of 91全能版. She is a CIHR-funded  (see article: ) and the Co-Director of the . Dr. Cidro has an impressive research portfolio and incorporates numerous graduate students into her projects. Dr. Cidro takes a , much of which is focused on Indigenous maternal and child health, and she partners with many Indigenous organizations and communities for her projects. 

Building on a project that explored how an Indigenous doula program can address health disparities, social, and cultural outcomes for Manitoba First Nations women who travel for birth, Dr. Cidro is now planning on  with community partners Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre of 91全能版, Inc. and the First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba. She also collaborates with community partners in Colombia to explore maternal and child health in remote Colombian Indigenous communities through a Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Advanced Scholars Award. 

Dr. Cidro leads the CIHR-funded Network Environments for Indigenous Health Research (NEIHR) grant for Manitoba called. Kishaadigeh aims to up-skill research capacity and infrastructure for Indigenous communities and organization undertaking health research. It focuses on promoting Indigenous self-determination in research through the development of community-based research lodges in partnership with five Manitoba Indigenous organizations: the First Nations Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba (FNHSSM), the Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres (MAC), the Manitoba Inuit Association (MIA), Fearless R2W, and Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre of 91全能版, Inc. Kishaadigeh considers the lodge as a place where relationships guide the development of Indigenous research, from the initiation of an idea to the development and implementation of projects, to the final outputs. The research lodges will develop a pathway for existing and upcoming Indigenous scholars to work alongside and within Indigenous organizations in a way that is culturally meaningful, ethical, and impactful. 

Her other appointments include University of 91全能版 Indigenous Academic Lead 2018-2019, Associate Director of the Urban Aboriginal Knowledge Network (UAKN) Prairie Region, and U91全能版’s 2018 Indigenous Research Scholar. 

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ANTH-2119 (3) Medical Anthropology


Cidro, J., McCallum, M., Fontaine, L., McNab, W., & Stout, R. (2021). Indigenous Mothers and COVID-19. In A. O’Reilly & F. Green (Eds.), Mothers, Mothering and COVID-19: Dispatches from a Pandemic. Toronto: Demeter Press.

Copenace, S., Cidro, J., Johnson, A., & Anderson, K. (2021). Auntie’s Bundle: Conversation and Research Methodologies with Knowledge Gifter Sherry Copenace. In B. Hokowhitu, A. Moreton-Robinson, L. Tuhiwai Smith, C. Andersen, & S. Larkin (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Critical Indigenous Studies (pp. 189-202).

Hayward, A., Cidro, J., & Roulette, C. (2020). Identifying the gaps: A scoping review of urban Indigenous health and wellness studies in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Urban Research (CJUR), 29(2), 32-54. Retrieved from:

Cidro, J., Sinclair, S. Delaronde, S., & Star, L. (2020). Restoring Ceremony as the Methodological Approach in Indigenous Research: The Indigenous Doula Project. In E. Sumida & N. Martin (Eds.), Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Research Methodologies: Local Solutions and Global Opportunities (pp. 102-120). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Cidro, J. & Martens, T. (2020). Rebuilding Cultural Identity & Indigenous Food Sovereignty with Indigenous Youth through Traditional Food Access and Skills in the City. In P. Settee & S. Shukla (Eds.), Indigenous Food Systems: Concepts, Cases, and Conversations (pp. 135-152). Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.

Hayward, A., Cidro, J., Dutton, R., & Passey, K. (2020). A Systematic Review of Health and Wellness Studies Involving the Inuit Population of Manitoba and Nunavut. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 79(1), 1779524. doi:  

Anderson, K. & Cidro, J. (2020). Because We Love our Communities: Indigenous Women Talk about their Experiences as Community Based Health Researchers. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 24(2), 3-17. Retrieved from

Cidro, J., Bach, R., & Frohlick, S. (2020). Canada’s forced birth travel: Towards feminist indigenous reproductive mobilities. Mobilities, 15(2), 173-187. Special Issue on Reproductive Mobilities. doi:

Anderson, K. & Cidro, J. (2019). Decades of Doing: Indigenous Women Academics Reflect on the Practices of Community-based Health Research. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 14(2), 1-16. doi:

Phillips-Beck, W., Sinclair, S., Campbell, R., Star, L., Cidro, J., Wicklow, B., & McGavock, J. (2019). Early Life Origins of Disparities in Chronic Diseases among Indigenous Youth: Pathways to recovering health disparities from intergenerational trauma. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 10(1), 115-122. doi:

Cidro, J., Martens T., Zahayko L., & Lawrence, H.P. (2018). First Foods as Indigenous Food Sovereignty: Country Foods and Breastfeeding Practices in a Manitoban First Nations Community. Canadian Journal of Food Studies, 5(2), 25-43. doi:

Cidro, J., Doenmez, C., Phanlouvong, A., & Fontaine, A. (2018). Being a good relative: Indigenous doulas reclaiming cultural knowledge to improve health and birth outcomes in Manitoba. Frontiers in Women’s Health, 3(4), 1-8. Retrieved from

Tait Neufeld, H., & Cidro, J. (Eds.). (2017). Indigenous Experiences of Birthing and Pregnancy. Bradford: Demeter Press.

Cidro, J. Dolin, E., & Queskekapow, C. (2017). Bored, Broke and Alone: Experiences of Pregnant and Expectant First Nations Mothers Birthing In and Out of the Community. In H. Tait Neufeld & J. Cidro (Eds.), Indigenous Experiences of Birthing and Pregnancy (pp. 73-90). Bradford: Demeter Press.

Cidro, J. & Tait Neufeld, H. (2017). Pregnancy and Birthing: The Essence of Indigeneity. In H. Tait Neufeld & J. Cidro (Eds.), Indigenous Experiences of Birthing and Pregnancy (pp. 1-12). Bradford: Demeter Press.

Cidro, J., Maar, M., Peressini, S., Schroth, R. J., Broughton, J., Jamieson, L., & Lawrence, H. P. (2017). Strategies for Meaningful Engagement between Community-Based Health Researchers and First Nations Participants. Frontiers in Public Health, 5(138), 1-15. doi:

Lawrence, H. P., Cidro, J., Isaac-Mann, S., Peressini, S., Maar, M., Schroth, R. J., & Jamieson, L. (2016). Racism and Oral Health Outcomes Among Pregnant Canadian Aboriginal Women. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 27(1), 178-206. doi:

Martens, T., Cidro, J., Hart, M.A., & McLachlan, S. (2016). Understanding Indigenous Food Sovereignty through an Indigenous Research Paradigm. Journal of Indigenous Social Work, 5(1), 18-37. Retrieved from

Cidro, J. & Martens, T. (2016). Traditional Foods Skills as a Pathway to Urban Indigenous Food Sovereignty. In T. Falkenberg & F. Deer (Eds.), Indigenous Perspectives on Education for Well-Being in Canada (pp. 41-58). 91全能版: University of Manitoba Press.

Cidro, J. (2016). Stuck at the Border of the Reserve: Bill C-31 and the Impact on First Nations Women. In K. Burnett & G. Read (Eds.), Aboriginal History: A Reader (pp. 228-243). Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Cidro, J. & Martens, T. (2015). Eating Indigenous in the City: The Limited Scope of Food Sovereignty for Indigenous People in Urban Contexts. International Journal on Biodiversity Watch. Fall/Winter Issue, 53-64.

Cidro, J., Zahayko, L., Lawrence, H. P., Folster, S., McGregor, M., & McKay, K. (2015). Breast Feeding Practices as Cultural Interventions for Early Childhood Caries in Cree Communities. BMC Oral Health, 15(1), 49-61. doi:

Cidro, J., Matiasek, M., Craig, T., Dhillon, M., & Zahayko, L. (2015). Exploring the Purchasing Experience of Cross-Cultural Consumers in Northern Remote, Rural Communities: Thompson, Manitoba. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 9(4), 1-17. Retrieved from

Cidro, J., Suleman, S., Leslie, K., Amaria, K., Hartman, B., Thompson, G., Freeman, J. Bismila, Z., Bismila, V., Moore, E., Alebraheem, Z., & Kaufman, M. (2014). Adolescent Health and Nutrition in US and Canada: An Overview of Determinants and Issues. Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series, 80, 27-48. doi:

Cidro, J., Adekunle, B., Peters, E., & Martens, T. (2015). Beyond Food Security: Understanding Access to Cultural Food for Urban Indigenous People in 91全能版 as Indigenous Food Sovereignty. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 24(1), 24-43. Retrieved from

Cidro, J., Zahayko, L., Lawrence, H., McGregor, M., & McKay, K. (2014). Traditional and Cultural Approaches to Childrearing: Preventing Early Childhood Caries in Norway House Cree Nation, Manitoba. Rural and Remote Health, 14(4), 1-11. Retrieved from