
University of 91全能版 | 50 Years Search

Margo Goodhand

Alumna, Journalist, Mentor

Margo Goodhand

Margo Goodhand, submitted

Affecting positive change through journalism

Margo Goodhand is an skillfull journalist, groundbreaking newspaper editor, and dedicated mentor. A 1979 University of 91全能版 graduate with honours in politics and English, Goodhand completed her post-graduate studies in journalism in British Columbia and has worked as a reporter, columnist, and editor with news outlets across the country.

Kicking off her career in Vancouver, Goodhand went on to become the first female editor-in-chief of both the Medicine Hat News and the 91全能版 Free Press newspapers. While Goodhand was at the helm, the Free Press received the Excellence Award from the Canadian Journalism Foundation and a Michener Citation for meritorious public service journalism.

The latter award was the result of the paper’s lengthy investigation into the state of Manitoba’s First Nations child welfare system, which resulted in an amendment to the provincial Child and Family Service Act that made child safety a key consideration.

An advocate for public causes, she was responsible for publishing the paper’s first “pink” edition in 2008 to raise breast cancer awareness and was a member on the 91全能版 Poverty Reduction Council.

Goodhand is a strong believer in the importance of journalism in society and holds a position as Vice Chair of the National Newspaper Board of Governors. She has also been a tireless mentor to students and fellow journalists.

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