
University of 91全能版 | 50 Years Search

Bill Franz

Alumni, Water Management Specialist

Bill Franz, submitted

Bill Franz, submitted

Informing water management at every level

Bill Franz graduated from The University of 91全能版 over 40 years ago with a Bsc in physical geography.

Initially, Franz hoped to work as a park warden or naturalist, but a half-course on hydrology with U91全能版 geography professor Bill Rannie led him to a 35-year career in water management instead.

During his career, Franz worked at the provincial, regional, district, and national level for the Manitoba and British Columbia governments and the City of 91全能版, as well as with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Alberta. 

Several of the knowledge outreach products he worked on were translated into Spanish and French and were shared with representatives in Chilé.

Franz credits his education at U91全能版 for his "well-rounded" career with all three levels of government.

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